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Start Saving With Rakuten To Earn Cash Back

There’s nothing like that feeling of waiting for a parcel. You’ve tracked the shipment, turned on notifications and waited very patiently. If you’re smart about online shopping though, the best part isn’t necessarily receiving your order – it’s earning money! You can do both with Rakuten.

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Behind The Brand: Greenhouse Juice

Hana James Greenhouse

Hana James

Co-Founder & Director of Community, Greenhouse Juice

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I studied Anatomy and Cell Biology at McGill. My plan was to go into medicine, but on that journey, I realized my passion for healing and health was more connected to food and nutrition, which led me to where I am today.

I love the Blue Lemonade! What is the most popular Greenhouse juice?

Blue Lemonade is definitely a popular one! Each of our beverages has their fan bases, but I’d say overall our green juices like Gatsby and the Good are the most popular.

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Get Inspired By Kate Spade

Kate Spade has always been one of the top brands on social media in my opinion. Sometimes I named them in job interviews when asked for an example of a brand that’s killing it on social. They have beautiful products, stunning visuals and a recognizable voice. Kate Spade is truly a brand that knows what they’re doing in-store and online.

I was delighted to find out about a new feature on Kate Spade’s website called Unlock Your Heart. By following a few steps, you can instantly create shareable content using Kate Spade’s new tool. Kate Spade’s team knows their customers love reading inspirational messages and now it’s possible to create your own graphics with their branding. Overall, I’ve found that some inspirational messages sound too cheesy, generic or girly, but Kate Spade has so many options that you’re likely to find one (or more!) that you enjoy.

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Get Ready For School With Staples & Win!

Can you believe it’s been 4 years since I graduated from the MIT program at Western? Even though I’m not stepping into a classroom after Labour Day, there’s still something exciting about the back to school season. It symbolizes a fresh start and new beginnings, not to mention that it’s a good excuse to go shopping!

Fall is also a very busy time of year. “Canadians are among the most time-squeezed people on the planet,” says Mary Sagat, president of Staples Canada.

With that in mind, I’ve narrowed it down to my top suggestions for your back to school shopping list. This is based on current trends, technology and my own experiences as a student, employee and blogger. And the best part is that you can win a huge prize pack from Staples Canada – more details below.

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