Domino’s Trains Customers To Be Emoji Literate


Photo Source: PSFK

As far as I’m concerned, pizza is always a good decision. Whether it’s a late night snack or a work lunch, pizza always hits the spot. My go-to is Pizza Pizza for taste and convenience, but now that I’ve seen Domino’s latest marketing stunt, they’re definitely on my radar and deserve to be on yours too.

Dominos has targeted millennials and their families by creating emoji flashcards to enable more consumers to be emoji literate. This was such a brilliant gimmick that the flashcards were all claimed instantly. That said, I can’t comment on how many they produced. However, you can still print your own flashcards from their campaign website.

Photo Source: PSFK

Photo Source: PSFK

The Website

All of the copy on is cheeky, including the data they present on the number of Americans who can’t communicate using emjois. The sample digital flashcards reiterate that the website and campaign was designed for millennials, as one of them features the stack of books emoji and acknowledges the expensive cost of textbooks. Furthermore, they try to demonstrate pop culture awareness by referencing The Dress phenomenon on another digital flashcard. Finally, the parallax scrolling design was elegantly executed and the entire site’s vibe is professional, yet entertaining.

The Video

For their promotional video, they cast a plain looking male brand ambassador and paired him with average looking adults who could believably have twenty-something children. The public service announcement video isn’t laugh out loud funny, but it’s charming and clever. It resonates with the target audience and effectively maintains Domino’s status as a modern brand that can speak on the same level as young customers.

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