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Weight Discrimination is Something to Size Up

In preparation for my presentation at Western’s ‘Flaunting It’ conference next Friday, I revisited a paper I wrote last year about weight discrimination. My research focuses on how this affects hiring practices and employment, but it certainly affects overweight people on a larger scale.

In some developing countries, people are starving and malnourished due to poverty, but obesity rates are increasing around the world exponentially. Fortunately, people are taking note of these statistics, such as the producers of MTV’s I Used To Be Fat. The show completed its first season earlier this month after introducing viewers to nine high school graduates who devoted their summer to losing weight. Motivating viewers to meet their weight loss goals is a positive step forward, but it does not change the fact that far too many youth are binge eating, out of shape and lazy.

Before reading Barry Popkin’s The World Is Fat, it never occurred to me that people have developed such a sweet tooth that youth are not only overindulging in soft drinks, but also adding additional sugar. For many overweight people, being weight is not a conscious choice; sometimes it’s merely a matter of genetics. Deliberately sweetening drinks like that is outrageous though. Even after government regulations ensured that all food and beverage packing include nutritional information people are ignoring this data, or at least dismissing it as unimportant. Education is an essential tool to discourage such unhealthy lifestyle choices. This is important for not only nutritionists, doctors, and food manufacturers to reiterate, but also fashion designers and advertisers.

On Tuesday afternoon, I had the privilege of listening to the inspirational entrepreneur, Ben Barry, who spearheaded the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, once again. Ben’s tenacity helped him convince Sears Canada to include models in their catalogue that resemble their customers, unlike the twigs who typically posed for their glossy pages. Since then, he continues liaising with fashion and marketing executives to help them sell products to their target demographic by hiring models who customers can identify with. The average soccer mom does not look like a toned size 2 woman with flawless skin and Ben asks advertisers to recognize that and promote their products accordingly.

As someone who started a business at age 14, Ben strongly believes in the potential of youth entrepreneurship and youth’s ability to inspire others and make great changes in the world. With Ben’s message in mind, I have changed my opinion about the MTV reality show because even if those nine kids inspired 100 people to start exercising, that’s better than nothing. Their reunion episode for the season finale allowed the participants to reflect on the show and prove to audiences that they have since created a social network amongst themselves and offer each other ongoing support. This is what people truly need: support, friendship and motivation. Whether this comes in the form of fat acceptance amongst hiring managers who should change their attitudes about candidates’ physical appearances, or clothing manufacturers that should produce high quality clothing that flatters overweight people, everything counts.

Ben Barry, November 2008, Queen’s University


Roger Ebert Always Has Something to Talk About

With all this talk about discrimination circulating in cyberspace, classrooms, and within our communities, it’s important to recognize what people can accomplish despite certain setbacks they have. During reading week, I met with a visually impaired public relations professional and had an entirely new interview experience, where nodding and grinning were insufficient responses. Nevertheless, this person has built and maintained a successful company and has great ambitions for further expansion. When someone’s driven and goal-oriented, such setbacks seem minor in relation to their long-term plan.

I look at Roger Ebert and admire his perseverance since he was diagnosed with cancer four years ago. This is a man who I used to watch weekly on Sunday nights for commentary about upcoming film releases and sometimes anxiously wait to see whether he thought a film deserved a thumbs up or down. Today he continues pursuing his passion for entertainment by taking advantage of social media and new technology to engage with his loyal fans. The TED talk he delivered on Friday in California, by using an Alex-equipped MacBook shows just how powerful technology is. Computers are much more than the ‘Facebook machines’ that many people use them for – they connect people, offer therapeutic opportunities, both by blogging and for medical purposes, and can even save lives. Aided by the computerized voice and a supportive family, Roger is able to continue inspiring film buffs worldwide and that’s something positive to think about. Two thumbs way up!