Roger Ebert Always Has Something to Talk About

With all this talk about discrimination circulating in cyberspace, classrooms, and within our communities, it’s important to recognize what people can accomplish despite certain setbacks they have. During reading week, I met with a visually impaired public relations professional and had an entirely new interview experience, where nodding and grinning were insufficient responses. Nevertheless, this person has built and maintained a successful company and has great ambitions for further expansion. When someone’s driven and goal-oriented, such setbacks seem minor in relation to their long-term plan.

I look at Roger Ebert and admire his perseverance since he was diagnosed with cancer four years ago. This is a man who I used to watch weekly on Sunday nights for commentary about upcoming film releases and sometimes anxiously wait to see whether he thought a film deserved a thumbs up or down. Today he continues pursuing his passion for entertainment by taking advantage of social media and new technology to engage with his loyal fans. The TED talk he delivered on Friday in California, by using an Alex-equipped MacBook shows just how powerful technology is. Computers are much more than the ‘Facebook machines’ that many people use them for – they connect people, offer therapeutic opportunities, both by blogging and for medical purposes, and can even save lives. Aided by the computerized voice and a supportive family, Roger is able to continue inspiring film buffs worldwide and that’s something positive to think about. Two thumbs way up!

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