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Google+ and Topshop Present… The Future of the Fashion Show

It’s reading week for Ontario’s university students. While I took the VIA Rail from Canada’s London to Toronto, hundreds of designers, editors and buyers travelled overseas for London Fashion Week.

Watch this video to see how Topshop employed Google+ features to produce an innovative fashion show:

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Anyone need a shopping buddy?

Full article about the campaign available via Fast Company.

Amber Mac in London

Twitter is one of the best websites around. Without it, I never would’ve connected with Amber Mac.

Why is Amber Mac so special? Well, Tony Robbins explains it best:

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For all things social media and technology, Amber Mac’s got you covered. So when I was reading tweets on Wednesday afternoon and Amber posted about a keynote in London the next day, I froze. “London, ON” might as well have been written in bold neon font in caps lock because that’s how much those key words stood out. A few Google searches, emails and direct messages later, I arranged to attend her presentation at London’s annual EDCO conference.

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Behind the Brand: Lenovo

It’s one thing to like an electronics brand on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

It’s quite another to learn about technology trends for the new year.

Name: John Swinimer (@jswinimer)

Position: PR & Communications Manager

Employer: Lenovo

Education: English, York University

Professional role model: John B. Challinor – Director of Corporate Affairs, Nestlé

Describe your favourite part of your job in 140 characters or less:

I’m a tech geek – what’s new and exciting for consumers. I enjoy communicating new ideas and stories. I value relationships with journalists.

How does Lenovo maintain top-of-mind awareness for Canadian consumers?

Lenovo works closely with top computer and electronics retailers to spread the news for consumers. Lenovo also has strong relationships with tech journalists who speak about Lenovo products to educate consumers about their purchases.

Favourite memory of attending the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas:

My favourite memory of CES is rekindling friendships with journalists and making new friends along the way. Bumping into Felicia Day was also pretty cool.

What is the most buzz-worthy product that debuted at CES 2013?

Not to sound too pretentious, the Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon table top PC received a lot of attention from journalists and critics at CES, and it won many awards.

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iPhone Transition and Recommended Apps

After my last exam of the semester, I took the earliest train to Toronto the next morning, eager to finally pick up a new phone. Though my excitement was interrupted by a transportation-related delay, the shopping experience that followed was unlike any other. I finally got to browse though Yorkdale’s new extension, including Canada’s first Microsoft store, which was great because I’m a PC.

Photo Source: Mashable

Buying a black 16 GB iPhone 5, which’ll be protected by a black OtterBox Defender, was a fantastic way to start my winter break. The case is so mightily thick that my friends have been teasing me about how the phone looks, but having peace of mind makes it worthwhile. During the initial activation of my phone, it was immediately apparent that using it is as intuitive as people say. Once my contacts were transferred from my BlackBerry Tour 9630 (3 years old, with a trackwheel!), I could proudly call myself an iPhone owner.

I’ve had a lot of fun downloading and testing out apps. Here’s a list of 20 apps I recommend, sorted categorically:

Social Networking & Photo: Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Skype

Entertainment & Music: Flixster (w/ Rotten Tomatoes), GetGlue, Cineplex, Shazam, IMDB

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Google+ Communities

Google+ Communities is an exciting new feature that I look forward to exploring!

Show some support for Google’s contributions to social media and log in to your account. Forget what you’ve heard about it being a ghost town; Wired reported significant recent user growth on Google+.

After all, Google+ is a place for foodies, film buffs, and whatever you’re into.

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