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Goodnight iPad

Is the bird jumping over the moon supposed to be the bird from Twitter’s logo?

I’ve heard about research studies suggesting to unplug from gadgets 1 hour prior to bed to help clear your head of distractions and ease the falling to sleep process. Well, before you close your laptop tonight, watch this video.

This book might just be the best book for the technologically savvy iPad-toting parent who already knows what to expect when you’re expecting. And if you’re childless, pick it up as a coffee table book anyway – it can be a conversation piece when you’re entertaining guests and they look up from their phones to notice your decor.

I fondly remember reading this book, the original classic:

CBS Social Week

Just in time for my group’s class presentation about The Good Wife, CBS is embracing social media to connect with viewers next week, including The Good Wife fans.

Each show updated fans via Facebook and Twitter today to announce their plans for everyone’s favourite actors to share their own insights via the shows’ official social media accounts beginning Sunday night.

This is hardly the first time shows’ cast and crews are live-tweeting, but usually the official TV show account retweets their commentary, whereas next week CBS is letting its stars gain control over online interactions. I’m curious to see if the stars will use more shorthand or slang than usually seen in the accounts’ messages and I’m sure it’ll depend on which actors are composing the tweets.

Viewers who watch the shows live during their scheduled timeslots (and aren’t distracted by a phone or computer) may have noticed that some shows have a watermark during the first scene featuring a hashtag, such as #HIMYM for How I Met Your Mother.

Bravo’s Lisa Hsia shared with Mashable that “getting talent actively involved with a social media strategy is essential to building greater community engagement,” so this is clearly a calculated attempt to heighten viewer engagement.

I suspect that the initiative will increase check-ins amongst GetGlue users who will be eager to join the live conversation. Personally, I suggest CBS support their initiative with more stickers for GetGlue fans as a token of appreciation.

As for The Good Wife, I’d like to see what Matt Czuchry has to say about Cary’s new promotion in his own words – not just reiterated by a reporter. That was quite a fabulously dramatic ending in last week’s episode and I’m excited to see what happens next this Sunday.

To save space here, you can peek at the network’s full live-tweeting schedule courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter.

Does Dressing Up Require Social Commentary?

I don’t usually like when people expect listeners to pay attention to their every word as they read aloud long passages of text, but on Monday afternoon, I was captivated by a TA who shared a newsworthy blog post circa November 2010.

Two days after Halloween, Trick or Treating may still be trending on Twitter, but most people are more concerned about finding discounts on candy and the latest gossip about the Kardashians than discussing who cross-dressed over the weekend.

Nevertheless, when a 5 year old boy begged his mom to order a costume resembling Daphne from Scooby Doo for him two years ago, this caused a huge commotion. Uptight mothers in their community were outraged, even though their children seemed unfazed by his costume choice.


The bottom line is that costume choices shouldn’t be a big issue at all, unless of course they are outright offensive or obscene. The boy didn’t dress up as a Disney Princess anxiously awaiting Prince Charming’s arrival at his doorstep; he dressed up as one of his favourite animated TV characters – so what?

In her blog post, the mother (who coincidentally is another Sarah) mentions that her son’s “best friend is a little girl.” When it comes to trick or treating, those kids will remember spending the night or school festivities with their best friend. Early childhood friendships don’t always extend into adulthood or even the teenage years, but if the friends lose touch, they’ll remember who it was running up neighbours’ front steps beside them to collect candy. That’s the memory for him to cherish – friendship and fun, not that a Halloween costume he wanted to wear sparked an online debate about gender and sexuality.

It is one thing to document your children’s funny musings or share advice about parenting, but it is quite another to turn an innocent child’s desire to have fun dressing up into a rant about attitudes towards gender norms. Sometimes I think that moms should just take photos to capture their kids growing up and leave it at that. After all, “it’s just a costume.”

Surely there is a better way to become famous than starring in a controversial blog post.

Ted Finally Reunited with the Slutty Pumpkin, Eh?

“The Slutty Pumpkin Returns” — Ted (Josh Radnor) and Naomi (Katie Holmes) revisit the rooftop Halloween party where they first met on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, Monday, Oct. 31 (8:00 – 8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS © 2011 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

After hearing great hype about tonight’s How I Met Your Mother episode, I was curious what sorts of hilarity the show would entail. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of Canadian humour, though I didn’t quite understand why Robyn chose to dress up as a hockey player from Vancouver of all places, but maybe that’s just due to my lack of NHL knowledge. Speaking of comparisons between the States and Canada, I wonder if Dunkin Donuts in the States sells as many pumpkin flavoured treats as Tim Horton’s.

I thoroughly enjoyed how Katie Holmes’ Slutty Pumpkin character knew Barenaked Ladies’ songs by heart, especially because it served as a throwback to a time when Steven Page was still with the band. Though I consider myself a loyal fan of Dawson’s Creek, I much preferred Britney Spears and Rachel Bilson’s guest appearances on HIMYM to Katie Holmes’ stint tonight.

As I watched Ted and his friends at the rooftop party, I noticed that there were far too many store bought packaged costumes that exhibited far too little creativity for a show that’s known for its original concepts like “pregnancy brain” and the “hot-crazy scale.” Barney made an amusing entrance as per usual and it was nice to see a change in his wardrobe this season from the yellow duck tie he’s been sporting since September.

I’m looking forward to seeing what other terms CBS will introduce to our lingo this season. In the meantime, whether you’re tricking friends, enjoying treats or merely tweeting, Happy Halloween!

Rethink Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Last year, non-profits employed social media to raise awareness by asking girls and women to update Facbook statuses and share where they like to leave their purse, which inevitably led to sexual innuendos, thanks to sentences such as “I like it on the floor.”

This year, rethink Breast Cancer has taken to YouTube to spread the message about the importance of check-ups and my, have they done an *ahem* charming and entertaining job at that.