Studies in Motion on the Stage and Screen

The following is a response to Canadian Stage’s production of Studies in Motion, in collaboration with Electric Company. In this thought provoking show, director Kim Collier explores filmmaker extraordinaire Eadward Muybridge’s accomplishments as one of the first people to capture movement with a camera.

Muybridge is known as the father of cinema, so we all have much to learn from him. Google him if you’re interested in learning more about his discoveries.

Here are some tips to take away from the play, which should be of interest to those who were stuck writing exams and couldn’t make it to a theatre recently. Canadian Stage aims to present the best in Canadian contemporary theatre, so they’re definitely worth keeping an eye on.

How to Produce a Memorable Show

Take the time to select a good soundtrack, regardless of what the show’s running time may be. Everything makes a difference and adds to the production value. It also makes hearing about someone’s life story more entertaining.

Create dynamic stage pictures. The entire show’s choreography proves why lessons involving tableau-making are essential for a successful acting career. Kudos to the talented cast.

When producing a play set a century in the past, choreograph chorus members to act as if they are the horses carrying an orphan boy in a buggy. Not just any ordinary boy, but one who has been misled about the differences between a famous photographer and an omniscient religious figure because this makes for great comedic relief.

Assemble a cast of men and women who are willing to disrobe within seconds according to the script’s stage directions and parade across the stage in the nude.

You can maintain audiences’ interest by making them curious about just how much nudity will be in each scene. An audience advisory is one thing, but there’s always room for surprises. There’s a reason The Globe and Mail’s review is entitled ‘The Naked Truth about Eadward Muybridge’, as it’s very telling about what patrons could expect: a revealing tell all that’s not very kid-friendly.

Life Lessons:

Some things never change: models are hot, so befriend them if you can. If you can get a modelling gig too, don’t turn it down. Who knows who will recognize you someday!

Be inclusive as possible, as Muybridge’s female assistant encourages him, even if this means working with people you would rather avoid.

If your co-workers go skinny dipping in the lake on a lunch break or in their spare time, you might as well tag along. The characters seemed to have a jolly old time.

Use time period appropriate lingo and professional jargon to describe your line of work. For example, Muybridge called his photography of the human body and animals an “investigation”. What a great way to make having fun with a camera sound prestigious. I see Muybridge never wanted to miss an opportunity, so he used a self-timer for a snapshot of him and his assistant. I wonder whatever happened to that image; it’d be Facebook worthy today.

“Goosepimples” sounds like an unpleasant skin condition, so do your best to avoid this.

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