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Eat, Read and Discuss: Amor Towles Tweet Up

As I’ve said before, what’s a Toronto visit without an Indigo event? This time my trip home coincided with another Indigo tweet up at the classy downtown French restaurant Biff’s Bistro. I was one of four winners selected to have dinner with the bestselling author Amor Towles, who was in town for the International Festival of Authors.

Amor Towles’ debut novel Rules of Civility (2011) has been well received by critics whose praise matches my impression of him. Rules of Civility‘s 1930s New York setting led the tweet up attendees to discuss history, including commentary about how students learn about previous decades through textbook summaries, often leading us to generalize how people lived in the past.

Grey nails for dinner in Biff’s Grey Room

The tweet up was organized by Indigo’s events team and Penguin Group (Canada), Amor’s publisher. Amor sat in the middle of the table, making it easier for everyone to ask him questions. Amor primarily works in investments in New York, so his stories about writing the manuscript and approving the final content while juggling a full-time job on Wall Street was interesting to hear about.

Although the earlier topics of conversation were directly linked to books, such as Kobos, reviews and book clubs, I enjoyed when the discussion shifted to marketing. It was nice to talk about word of mouth marketing as it relates to publishing and learn about how often the avid readers at the table make decisions based on friends’ recommendations.

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Behind the Books: David Yoo

Name: David Yoo

Best Known For: The Choke Artist: Confessions of a Chronic Underachiever (2012), The Detention Club (2012)

Current Employment and Projects: I teach in the MFA creative writing program at Pine Manor College, and at the Gotham Writer’s Workshop. Currently I’m working on a nonfic project tentatively titled CHASING THE SHIRT, a book about my ten years desperately trying to win a measly/pointless adult co-ed intramural soccer league championship.

Favourite memoirs & essay collections: This Boy’s Life – Tobias Wolff, Me Talk Pretty One Day – David Sedaris

Favourite magazines: I can’t afford to buy print magazines regularly–at this point I only allow myself this small luxury when I’m in an airport, in which case I usually buy Vanity Fair or something chunky that will a) last a while and b) make me smell like I’m going to my junior prom. I do read Deadspin and AV Club with regularity online, given that I’m an armchair athlete who has a verging-on-creepy reverence for really lame movies from the 80s.

Professional role model: Stewart O’Nan, who somehow manages to write a lasting, beautifully written novel every two years or so. When I feel overwhelmed by the seemingly un-climbable mountain in front of me, I think about how he’s already, in the same space of time, heading down the backside of it. His latest, The Odds, is that rarity: an engrossing, memorable short novel. What I’d give to be so concise…sigh.

In The Choke Artist, you admit that you “felt depressed about my crappy academic standing, yet at the same time more frustrated than ever that everyone still assumed I was an academic genius because I was Asian.” Describe how you feel about stereotyping in 140 characters or less:

I’ve never texted before + clueless re Twitter. Regarding stereotypes: surely I’m the only Asian guy who has never owned a cellphone…sigh.

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Movie Review: Ruby Sparks

Created by the directors of Little Miss Sunshine (without the adorable Abigail Breslin), Ruby Sparks is about a gifted, yet struggling writer Calvin, whose therapist inspires him to meet the girl of his dreams. What’s peculiar is that Calvin (Paul Dano) meets her because he created Ruby’s character while trying to overcome writer’s block.

Anticipating a multidimensional story about Calvin writing a book within the movie, I figured my Community t-shirt, promoting the most self-referential TV show I could think of, would be highly appropriate attire for the screening.  Incidentally, a middle-aged man stopped me during the Free People opening event to ask about the characters arranged in Warhol-inspired fashion. I identified Troy and Abed, and then went to the Varsity.

Without giving too much away, it’s notable that Calvin writes Ruby a Post-it note in a far more charming manner than when Berger leaves one for Carrie in Sex And The City. That’s when I fell in love with Ruby Sparks.

After wondering if the film’s major conflict would arise when Calvin’s handy typewriter eventually broke, I was proven wrong with a wonderful ending reminiscent of (500) Days of Summer, complete with an upgraded tool to write his next works.

Lastly, the minimalist design in Calvin’s home could easily be recreated for the stage, but does Apple sponsor theatre productions too? If you’ve seen Ruby Sparks and want it to become a book and/or play, please discuss in the comments!

UPDATE: Ruby Sparks was released on Blu-Ray and DVD on October 30 and it’s available from Chapters/Indigo.

Behind the Books: Caren Lissner

It’s one thing to read an author’s books and attend their signings.


It’s quite another when you can get to know them without standing in line first.

Name: Caren Lissner

Best Known For: Carrie Pilby (2003)

Education: English & Creative Writing, University of Pennsylvania

Professional role model: Hmmm, hard to find one.

Current Employment and Projects:

Editor at a chain of weekly newspapers based in Hoboken, New Jersey. Project-wise, revising several different novels, including young adult novels, and hoping to publish one of them soon.

Describe your thoughts about e-reading in 140 characters or less:

Charmless but convenient.

Favourite magazine:

I just subscribed to Nerd Nite: The Magazine. Graphically, it reminds me of the old Mad Magazine, but more knowledge-oriented. Lots of fun. I also love getting Poets & Writers, New Jersey Country Roads (The Garden State does have a softer side!), and the New Yorker.

How important do you think it is for writers to be actively involved in social media? What do you predict about writers’ future role in promoting books?

It’s important for writers to get their work out there so it’s not overlooked in the rush of items competing for a reader’s attention. Writers will probably always have to promote their own work where they can. Blogging is helpful in keeping in touch with one’s readers, especially between books. And for those who really relate to your writing, they may want to know more about you.

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