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Movie Review: Inside Out

Inside Out - Carbon Brew

Core Memories. Personality Islands. Imagination Land. These are just a few of the driving forces behind protagonist Riley Anderson’s thought process in Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out. The original concept takes viewers on a behind the scenes tour of a young girl’s mind as the script explores how her emotions affect her behaviour. Five emotions – Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear – run an intense operation and guide her through life’s challenging moments like being the new girl at school.

The characters clearly express their feelings through their large eyes and energetic voices. For example, Disgust (Mindy Kaling) has extra long eyelashes and her sassy personality makes her quite entertaining. No matter which emotion they represent, every character speaks with conviction.

Meanwhile, Amy Poehler’s character Joy is the woman in charge. She’s not bossy, but eager. She wants Riley to be happy.  All of the emotions have a symbiotic relationship that helps Riley function like a typical preteen. When that gets disrupted, chaos ensues. Midway through the movie, I was so engrossed that whenever Joy and Sadness stood at the edge of a cliff, I felt nervous for them. That’s a tell-tale sign of good storytelling.

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Toys “R” Us Celebrates 30 Years Of Fun

Hot On The Street - Toys R Us 30th Anniversary logo

In case it wasn’t clear when I blogged about going back to Disney World, I’m proud to share that I’m a kid at heart. Toys “R” Us shares that sentiment and wants Canadians to share stories on social media about taking an oath to never grow up.

Where would the retail chain be if parents hit a certain age and decided to abandon their childhood fantasies and stop playing with toys for good?

To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Toys “R” Us is going all out. They’ve partnered with Transat Holidays, AIR MILES®, Lego and Mattel to offer Canadian shoppers major promotions and host exciting events for kids of all ages. Visit for more details.

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Entrepreneur Barbie

mattel-entrepreneur-barbie National Post

Barbie has quite an impressive resume. It’s amazing how a woman with 55 years of experience manages to look so young. With 150 jobs under her belt, she’s relatable to young women with different career goals.

Mattel recently introduced Entrepreneur Barbie. Armed with a smartphone, tablet and sophisticated purse, Entrepreneur Barbie is ready to tackle the same challenges as other women entrepreneurs.

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