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The Ex

Promotions Around Downtown Toronto

Yonge and Dundas Square is a popular destination in downtown Toronto and therefore a prime location for companies that want to raise brand awareness among a large audience of pedestrians. No matter how often I shop at the Toronto Eaton Centre, I seem to miss some of the most exciting experiential marketing stunts. To compensate, I rely on YouTube and industry publications to get my fix and find out what’s happening.

Thanks to YouTube pre-roll, I discovered two cool campaigns that were executed recently by Koodo and Keurig. The alliteration of these brand names is unintentional, but noted.


When Tim Hortons celebrated their 50th anniversary at Yonge and Dundas Square, they demonstrated that it’s a smart place to promote coffee. Keurig followed their lead in October with more spontaneous entertainment for passersby interested in a free cup.

Unbeknownst to customers, Keurig had grand plans brewing. Keurig’s method of surprising caffeine-deprived people reminds me of the flash mob craze, as you’ll see that performers popped up to make pouring coffee more of a celebration than a chore. It’s as if a jukebox was attached to the Keurig 2.0 machine and only a few select people had the right change to turn it on.


When you’re on the go, mobile charging stations are a lifesaver. Just ask any of the ladies at Spark Sessions who used one supplied by Best Buy. Recognizing this pain point, Koodo hired a guy to dress up as a neon green battery, approach Torontonians in the summer and offer to give their phones a boost. The ambassador’s personality is cheeky and on brand. Kudos to him for walking around in that costume in the heat.

The video captures close-ups of potential customers’ reactions and reminds viewers about the importance of mobile accessories that will prolong your battery. Considering how long it takes to leave the maze that is The Ex, I imagine that those people appreciated it the most.

Now that there’s snow on the ground, I’m curious to see how marketers will make a similar effort to engage customers indoors, such as through a unique vending machine at the Toronto Eaton Centre. While you’re looking at decorated store windows, take a look around when you’re walking downtown and keep an eye out for noteworthy branded experiences!

[2025 Update: Unfortunately, the YouTube videos for these ads have been removed.]

Western Fair at Heart of Forest City

With O-Week festivities over, I eagerly wanted to find something fun to do with my long weekend (thanks to Fridays off all school year long). The Arkells’  free show on Thursday night at Western Fair inspired me to take the roommate and leave the bubble bordered by Masonville to the north and the VIA Rail station to the south.

I have yet to try Elephant Ears or a Colossal Onion, but exploring the fair grounds and midway made for a great evening, especially because I didn’t make it to The Ex this summer. Ferris wheel: awesome. Mini roller coaster: awesome. Fun at Western Fair: priceless.

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Nuit Blanche

When I’m at school in London, I long for exploring Toronto’s sprawling downtown core, whether it is for shopping, dining or entertainment. Hence, when I went home I was elated to finally experience Nuit Blanche.

After returning home from a shopping excursion over the border, I refuelled with my second Starbucks pumpkin spice latte of the day, this time with an extra shot of espresso. I refused to let a lack of sleep put a damper on participating in one of Toronto’s largest cultural events.

Once my friend and I exited Dundas subway station, we were confronted with food trucks selling cotton candy and corn on the cob, which immediately brought back memories of The Ex. Though I was familiar with my surroundings, Toronto’s downtown atmosphere had been completely transformed into an artsy extravaganza. There were at least three couples square dancing in the street, friends posing for photos all over the place, and street performers galore.

Tweets from friends and overall hype about Nuit Blanche assured me that there were exciting surprises and attractions to come. More importantly, I’m thankful that I skimmed the Twitter stream on the official event website because I’m grateful to whoever recommended wearing gloves! Boy, did they come in handy. Pun intended. I wish I’d twitpic’d and captured it on camera when I walked by a convenience store with a storefront sign that read, “Ice Sold Here” because that was the last thing anyone wanted when they’d pulled out winter jackets (or hoped that they did) for the first time since March or April.

My three favourite exhibits were Honey, I’m Home, inspired by 90’s sitcoms; Observer FX, a multimedia installation that offered commentary about surveillance; and McLuhan’s Massage Parlour, inspired by Marshall McLuhan’s work.

If you’re looking for Nuit Blanche GIFs to share on your Tumblr page or forward to co-workers, The Grid has you covered. I’ll admit that as I reviewed the GIFs, a couple of the male artists closely resembled male artists I’d seen at other exhibits – it must be because they fit the Queen West [West] stereotypical hipster mould.

This techie would be an exception however; he seemed like a cool guy:

Special thanks to She Does the City and Notable for their lists of recommended exhibits! Including the location of each was much appreciated while planning my night out. Unfortunately the Nuit Blanche BlackBerry app is incompatible with my temporary loaner phone, but I managed to navigate the downtown core without difficulties. The truth is that when it’s so cold outside, you don’t want to be taking your gloves off to use your phone, so I did minimal live tweeting.

Let’s Go To The Ex!

I haven’t been to The Ex in about five years, so I was excited to return and take advantage of working within such close proximity to the CNE grounds. From concerts and performances to midway games and small roller coasters, the CNE has something for everyone.

Some game operators were quite aggressive in trying to entice festival-goers to play coin toss, but they always greeted passersby with a smile (unless texting on the job was keeping them distracted, that is).

Speaking of salesmen, one sales associate in the Direct Energy Centre implied that there may be haggling opportunities for visitors to take advantage of. Pointing to the price sticker, I asked if that was the correct price, to which he responded, “Back home, we have a sign in the store that says you get it cheaper based on how much you smile,” and added that flashing my pearly whites granted me a $20 discount. Smooth.

I didn’t make it to The Taste of the Danforth this year, where I’ve enjoyed a candy apple for the last few summers, so I carried on this tradition tonight instead. The red sauce melted instantly and dripped all over my hands, making me feel like a somewhat sloppy middle schooler who could star in a TV ad for Wet Ones. Nevertheless, it was a healthier alternative to the abundant deep fried item on sale at kiosks throughout the Food Building. Perhaps next year I’ll discover what a deep fried pickle tastes like.

The Ex continues until the end of Labour Day weekend and is a worthwhile summer outing for Torontonians and tourists alike. I suggest bringing a bag in which to carry your prizes to avoid schlepping an oversized bumble bee or stuffed blue Smurf doll on the way home.