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Behind the Books: David Yoo

Name: David Yoo

Best Known For: The Choke Artist: Confessions of a Chronic Underachiever (2012), The Detention Club (2012)

Current Employment and Projects: I teach in the MFA creative writing program at Pine Manor College, and at the Gotham Writer’s Workshop. Currently I’m working on a nonfic project tentatively titled CHASING THE SHIRT, a book about my ten years desperately trying to win a measly/pointless adult co-ed intramural soccer league championship.

Favourite memoirs & essay collections: This Boy’s Life – Tobias Wolff, Me Talk Pretty One Day – David Sedaris

Favourite magazines: I can’t afford to buy print magazines regularly–at this point I only allow myself this small luxury when I’m in an airport, in which case I usually buy Vanity Fair or something chunky that will a) last a while and b) make me smell like I’m going to my junior prom. I do read Deadspin and AV Club with regularity online, given that I’m an armchair athlete who has a verging-on-creepy reverence for really lame movies from the 80s.

Professional role model: Stewart O’Nan, who somehow manages to write a lasting, beautifully written novel every two years or so. When I feel overwhelmed by the seemingly un-climbable mountain in front of me, I think about how he’s already, in the same space of time, heading down the backside of it. His latest, The Odds, is that rarity: an engrossing, memorable short novel. What I’d give to be so concise…sigh.

In The Choke Artist, you admit that you “felt depressed about my crappy academic standing, yet at the same time more frustrated than ever that everyone still assumed I was an academic genius because I was Asian.” Describe how you feel about stereotyping in 140 characters or less:

I’ve never texted before + clueless re Twitter. Regarding stereotypes: surely I’m the only Asian guy who has never owned a cellphone…sigh.

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Less Than Impressed: Cottonelle

“The Name Generator”

Goal: Encourage consumers to use Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care* Bathroom Tissue and Cottonelle Fresh Care* Flushable Wipes, as part of a personal hygiene routine, which supposedly needs a cheeky name.

How It Works:

To enter contest, entrants submit name suggestions for the routine. The names are then voted on and the highest voted names are added to “The Book of Names.” How unncessary clever.

Otherwise uninspired entrants can develop an idea using 1 of 3 tools in the Cottonelle Facebook app:

The Randomizer: Simply click to get a name instantly

The Personalizer: Answer a few questions for a personalized name

The Customizer: Create a name to add to our Book of Names and enter for a chance to win a year’s supply of Cottonelle products.


How It Fails To Impress:

– Supplies and information provided to mommy bloggers to create sponsored posts led to bland content.

– The white text on the aqua blue background is unclear, while the rest of the site is nothing special.

– The commercial (where I first learned about it) is super cheesy. How many families discuss toilet paper while standing in the kitchen? Yuck. It really irks me when people don’t think of social context.

Personally, I’m still amazed that Secret has acquired over a million Facebook fans. As an example of Cottonelle trying to compete with other personal hygiene brands for online engagement, let’s hope they spend more time at the drawing board for their next campaign.

Cottonelle’s Name Generator app is one of the cheesiest advertising ideas I’ve seen in a long time. Personal purchases aside, I prefer toilet paper commercials featuring cuddly bears and cozy robes.

Consider this for a mini competitive analysis:

Charmin promoted another routine by featuring the Old Spice guy, and their video received close to 2 million views.

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It’s ‘Like’ a Four Letter Emoticon

Upon reading a friend’s witty status update, it seems natural to click the ‘like’ button to notify them that you feel the same way about something or find their comment amusing.

This reaction is logical because it’s classier (and quicker) to click the like button, than to write a comment with an emoticon at the end and pretend to be simultaneously winking and sticking out your tongue. You can see for yourself how ridiculous this looks in real life the next time you’re standing in front of the bathroom mirror (possibly with a digital camera in hand, if that’s something you like to do with your friends before uploading said pictures to Facebook).

With the proliferation of SMS-inspired abbreviations and acronyms, shorthand language is becoming increasingly appealing. So instead of saying “That’s funny” or “I agree”, now all it takes is the click of a button to alert your friend that you share similar interests. As Facebook continues taking over the Internet, our use of technology continues changes as well.

Instead of texting or calling someone to say that you empathize with them, you can simply say you “like” their comment (or link etc.). Friends disagree with each other too, which is precisely why people join groups advocating for Facebook to introduce a ‘dislike’ button. Facebook won’t do this anytime soon though because it would lead to too much negative feedback for their invaluable advertisers. Thanks to the ‘like’ button, people who haven’t seen each other in months can maintain a bond they established months ago, without needing to organize the necessary logistics involved in making plans.

As virtual forms of communication become more popular, fewer people need to co-ordinate which friend’s house to go to, where they’d inevitably spend time deciding what to do together. Smartphone apps designed to locate the nearest coffee shop are only useful for someone who actually meets their friend there (or who goes on their own and rudely carries on a phone conversation while placing an order). Secondly, online communication becomes even more enticing, once Internet users recognize the convenience of video chatting on Skype, while wearing pyjamas during a blizzard. As much as Facebook helps us stay in touch with acquaintances and classmates, it is also cultivating a culture of laziness.

No longer is there the same motivation to sit in a friend’s living room and flip through a photo album of vacation snapshots, as this can all be done online now. Sure, there are cords available to connect computers and cameras to big screen TVs, but are people really inclined to do this during family reunions? With Picasa and other web albums, friends and family can view photos at their own pace, read any captions the photographer (or Web 2.0 savvy curator) includes, and comment as often as they like, regardless of geographical distance.

Clicking the like button is an easy way to be friendly, without the social awkwardness of tapping someone on the shoulder and randomly saying hello, so it’s clear why people like it.

As depicted in The Social Network, the Facebook team brainstorms many nifty tools during their late night sessions and I’m curious to see what they release next.