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iPhone Transition and Recommended Apps

After my last exam of the semester, I took the earliest train to Toronto the next morning, eager to finally pick up a new phone. Though my excitement was interrupted by a transportation-related delay, the shopping experience that followed was unlike any other. I finally got to browse though Yorkdale’s new extension, including Canada’s first Microsoft store, which was great because I’m a PC.

Photo Source: Mashable

Buying a black 16 GB iPhone 5, which’ll be protected by a black OtterBox Defender, was a fantastic way to start my winter break. The case is so mightily thick that my friends have been teasing me about how the phone looks, but having peace of mind makes it worthwhile. During the initial activation of my phone, it was immediately apparent that using it is as intuitive as people say. Once my contacts were transferred from my BlackBerry Tour 9630 (3 years old, with a trackwheel!), I could proudly call myself an iPhone owner.

I’ve had a lot of fun downloading and testing out apps. Here’s a list of 20 apps I recommend, sorted categorically:

Social Networking & Photo: Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Skype

Entertainment & Music: Flixster (w/ Rotten Tomatoes), GetGlue, Cineplex, Shazam, IMDB

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Behind the Brand: Canadian Diabetes Association

It’s one thing to “Like” a brand on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

 It’s quite another to learn about who organizes those updates.

Name: Pilar Iglesias (@pilariglesias)

Position: Manager, Strategic Communications

Employer: Canadian Diabetes Association

Education: Anthropology, York University; Public Relations, Ryerson University

Favourite blog:

My favourite non-work related blog has to be Design Sponge. My secret obsession/hobby is design and furniture, so I’ve been visiting since its inception. I suppose it’s not so secret anymore… 😉

Favourite mobile app:

This one’s easy – Shazam. I use it constantly and thankfully was able to chuck my “Songs to buy” notepad document.

Professional role model:

This one is also easy-Gini Dietrich. I met Gini on Twitter a few years back and have been in awe ever since. Not only is she a social media maven, she’s the founder and chief executive officer of Arment Dietrich, Inc.—a Chicago-based PR firm, the author of a work-related blog I follow religiously, Spin Sucks (the 2010 and 2011 Readers Choice Blog of the Year), and she’s the co-author of the book Marketing in the Round: Multichannel Approaches in the Post-Social Media Era.

Wait, I’m not finished.

She also writes for Crain’s Chicago Business, AllBusiness, and Franchise Times, and participates in workshops, is a keynote speaker, one of the hosts of the podcast, Inside PR….and these are just some of the things she does.

All of this is in addition to being witty, lovely, helpful and just a complete pleasure. I don’t talk to her as much as I probably would like, but she is definitely a role model. Oh, and one more thing, she can cook! Honestly, when does she have the time?

Most memorable on the job experience at Canadian Diabetes Association:

I was writing an article for our health and wellness magazine, and interviewed a woman who received a pancreas-kidney transplant after suffering many diabetes-related complications. Her appreciation for life was so incredibly inspiring to me but, at the same time, frightening as well since I have type 1 diabetes myself. It made me think of my own journey with the disease and how I manage it, and what it means if I don’t manage it to the best of my ability. It’s a conversation and feeling I won’t forget.

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