After hearing great hype about tonight’s How I Met Your Mother episode, I was curious what sorts of hilarity the show would entail. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of Canadian humour, though I didn’t quite understand why Robyn chose to dress up as a hockey player from Vancouver of all places, but maybe that’s just due to my lack of NHL knowledge. Speaking of comparisons between the States and Canada, I wonder if Dunkin Donuts in the States sells as many pumpkin flavoured treats as Tim Horton’s.
I thoroughly enjoyed how Katie Holmes’ Slutty Pumpkin character knew Barenaked Ladies’ songs by heart, especially because it served as a throwback to a time when Steven Page was still with the band. Though I consider myself a loyal fan of Dawson’s Creek, I much preferred Britney Spears and Rachel Bilson’s guest appearances on HIMYM to Katie Holmes’ stint tonight.
As I watched Ted and his friends at the rooftop party, I noticed that there were far too many store bought packaged costumes that exhibited far too little creativity for a show that’s known for its original concepts like “pregnancy brain” and the “hot-crazy scale.” Barney made an amusing entrance as per usual and it was nice to see a change in his wardrobe this season from the yellow duck tie he’s been sporting since September.
I’m looking forward to seeing what other terms CBS will introduce to our lingo this season. In the meantime, whether you’re tricking friends, enjoying treats or merely tweeting, Happy Halloween!