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Movie Review: Obvious Child

Hot On The Street - Obvious Child - Jenny Slate Coffee

There’s nothing like getting an abortion on Valentine’s Day. Or finding out that you’re unemployed. Or becoming pregnant from a one night stand. It officially sucks to be Donna Stern.

Donna (Jenny Slate) has worked in an independent bookstore for over five years, but she’s anything but nerdy. She wears lots of cardigans, but she’s hardly meek. She’s just an average 28-year-old Jewish comedian living paycheque to paycheque in Brooklyn. She would rather drink with friends than worry about her future—in a totally non-alcoholic way.

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Movie Review: Begin Again


Begin Again might be about relationships, but it’s hardly a run-of-the-mill romantic comedy. Rather, it’s a splendid love letter to New York that made me wish my last trip to NYC was longer.

After Dan (Mark Ruffalo) makes a fool of himself in a big meeting, he deals with his misery at a dive bar, where he hears Gretta (Keira Knightley) singing on stage. Gretta planned to pack her bags and return to England once she learned of her boyfriend’s infidelity, but Dan convinces her to stay and record an album with him. The film then follows Dan and Gretta around New York as they make an album on a shoestring budget.

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American Idiot

Green Day American Idiot - Broadway WorldGreen Day Converse - American Idiot

American Idiot tells the story of three miserable, rebellious young men seeking freedom from suburban life. The angsty plot, powered by poppy versions of Green Day hits, covers romance, friendship and politics.

In the opening scene, I was intrigued by the Nam June Paik-esque backdrop of TV screens and newscasts. The pop culture references were an effective way to establish the setting and create a youthful vibe.

If you want to dress like an American Idiot character, here’s a short shopping guide:

Start your shopping spree at American Apparel for logo-free basics, then visit Bluenotes to keep your youthful look intact, followed by a stop at Urban Outfitters for overpriced hipster necessities. For footwear, I recommend picking up a pair of Converse, Vans, Keds or Dr. Martens. When you’re browsing the stores, look for clothing made of leather, denim, or flannel. If there’s a bearded salesperson wearing a plaid button-down shirt and multiple piercings, he can probably steer you in the right direction. Studded blazers can make your grunge look more professional (which is key if you’re going straight from work to see the show). A toque can protect your hair from the cold weather, while adding just the right amount of flare. If your attire strikes a balance between goth, punk and pastels, then get ready to pose for a Broadway-obsessed street style photographer.

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Disney’s Most Wanted Cameos


Whether she’s on a billboard or the big screen, Miss Piggy is always larger than life.

It’s hard to adjust to the real world after a Disney World vacation. When you’re at Disney World, everything is great. Everything is grand. You’ve got the whole wide world in the palm of your hand (it’s true – just pick up something from Epcot!). Life’s a happy song when you’re at Disney World.

When Disney released Muppets Most Wanted, they presented an opportunity to enjoy the art of animation without paying for another flight to Orlando. I went to the theatre with high hopes, as I really liked the first film and its soundtrack, but I left feeling disappointed. At least the opening song of Muppets Most Wanted acknowledges “the sequel’s never quite as good.” That’s the only track worth downloading.

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Watch Disney Movies Anywhere


Disney’s new cloud movie service inspired me to return to the happiest place on earth. Now that I’m back, I’m excited to watch my favourite animated movies – especially Mary Poppins. Let’s rewind a bit, #ThrowbackThursday style, to explain the correlation between Disney’s app and my trip.

My former colleagues at Blast Radius designed creative to advertise Disney’s new streaming service and as soon as I saw a preview, nostalgia got the best of me. A few weeks later, I went to Orlando to relax and enjoy Disney’s world-class entertainment. Staying at Disney’s All-Star Movies Resort only made me more eager to watch Disney movies, so I’m excited to download Disney Movies Anywhere and tackle my to-watch list.

Disney Movies Anywhere is available to PC and Mac users through iTunes and its movie catalogue has over 400 titles. Working at Future Shop tempted me to buy Apple TV and I know that when I eventually splurge on it, Disney movies will look better than when I initially watched them on VHS sans flat-screen TV.


The launch of Disney Movies Anywhere was scheduled to coincide with the release of Frozen, which is nominated for best animated feature film at the Oscars. It was fun to see replicas of Disney’s Academy Awards at the Animation Studio and Gallery in Hollywood Studios and I hope they earn more statues this weekend.

It’s a polar vortex out there, so stay in on Sunday night and cheer for Frozen. In the meantime, check out Disney Movies Anywhere. Bonus points if you make Mickey-shaped cookies to snack on instead of popcorn.