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Material Girl

Prior to the Queen of Pop’s Super Bowl halftime show, I noticed she received lots of criticism, yet couldn’t fathom why. I’ve been a Madonna fan for as long as I can remember. Some of my early childhood memories include watching documentaries about how her career escalated before I was born and lip syncing singing along to her duet song, “Me Against the Music” with Britney Spears over the phone with a close friend. A few years ago, I even painted a ceramic plate with an iPod in the center and the tagline, “Get into the Groove.”

At 53, not only does she hold records for her chart-topping tracks, but she also looks incredible and shows no signs of slowing down. After dazzling us at the Air Canada Centre on her Sticky and Sweet Tour, where I regrettably didn’t buy an “Express Yourself” concert tee, it was difficult to see the superstar in a negative light.

Since “Give Me All Your Luvin’”, the first single from her 12th album, MDNA, debuted, reasons to dislike Madonna started becoming more apparent, but I find it hard to turn my back on one of my favourite performers.

Today Madonna made news because Malawi’s government officials are fed up with her donations that they feel are motivated too much by corporate interests in her global brand image than concern for children. When I first read the Toronto Star’s article, I mistook “state of the art girls school” and thought she’d arranged to build an arts school for girls because that sure would be thoughtful of her!

To be “fed up” with Madonna for wanting to improve Malawi’s education system is like being fed up with Angelina Jolie’s mass adoption spree or even Oprah’s generosity overseas for that matter. All of the above women have significant personal brands to protect, but along with their high status careers comes gigantic salaries and I hardly think we should criticize Madonna’s generosity to this extent. I hardly recall criticism from urban planners when Madge opened her first fitness centers in North America, so why so much outrage when she tries to do good in the world?

The blatantly excessive product placement in the “Give Me All Your Luvin’” music video was far from impressive, but it’s sure a catchy tune. That said, I confidently predict that it will not rank high on media professors’ list of video clips to show in future celebrity classes, the way that “Material Girl” was shown and then discussed at length last Friday at Western. They might as well just show separate commercials for Smirnoff, Adidas and whatever other brands were featured because aside from the ladies resembling Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Girls, the brands were the standout visuals in the video, and I certainly don’t mean that in a good way.

Madonna’s professional contributions to music, not to mention my iTunes library, combined with her ongoing philanthropic projects make her an icon to watch. I’m curious about what critics will say once MDNA’s full length tracks are released, but until then, let’s remember the positive memories Madonna offers fans and focus on that.

RT @muchmusic has a new #trending TV show.

MuchMusic is continually increasing their social media presence, such as by making their New Music Live (NML) show a trending topic in itself this past week. With their latest show, #trending, now on the air, Shit My Dad Says is less distinguishable as a Twitter-inspired TV show.

The pink graphics on the show’s webpage explicate that it’s a show geared primarily towards female fashionistas who admire MIT grad Liz Trinnear’s style. During her first “shopping haul” segment, Liz shares some great fashion finds with viewers, such as tie-dye tights and jewellery.

Their new show also has an interactive component, wherein they invite viewers to submit their own 5 minute-long videos about what’s trending in fashion and beauty.

#trending reminds me of other local shows that tell viewers about new places to find the coolest knick-knack or accessory, so I’m curious to see how MuchMusic maintains interest on a national scale.

Word on the Street

The following is inspired by a Microsoft commercial (see post below) and recaps some lessons learned in MIT.

Hey there, you may know me as Prince. I loved this past New Years Eve because who doesn’t like partying like it’s 20Ten and playing with meaning? That’s what Derrida promoted back in his day and I can see why. It’s exactly why I released some songs through a newspaper this past summer, as I like to do things differently.

People in this world need to be courageous and creative. Being a follower won’t get you anywhere but being called a copycat and I don’t want a CC of anyone else’s ideas. I prefer to spread my own ideas and I love how Web 2.0 lets me do just that.

That’s why I turn to the blogosphere to rant about whatever I feel like. Democratic communication is a beautiful thing and I think more people should recognize how they can use it for progressive social change. So many opportunities, yet so little time, but we got to stop procrastinating already and put an end to all this marginalization. There are simply way too many stereotypes circulating the WWW and it’s time that somebody does something about it!

It’s great that Kylie has the tools to capture, edit and share her photos, but let’s not forget that her distant relatives aren’t all as lucky. There’s some major social injustice in this world; someone’s got to fix that digital divide. When there are journalists who think a university campus could be ‘too Asian’, it seems impossible for everyone to be like one happy family in a global village. Kylie seems optimistic though. Hopefully her online habits won’t make her become the sad caricature of the computer enthusiast (you’re the man, Vincent Mosco).

The keyboard is like a sword sometimes; Kylie should be careful what she does with those little fingers. As Alan Turing says, communication is war continued by other means. So whether it’s for employment purposes, personal branding, or just an attempt to get a date on Saturday night, people should be careful what they say.

By creating a whole campaign based on binaries, Apple makes it seem like every day is national suit up day in uptight Seattle. You know what Microsoft should really do? Develop an app or add a feature to MS Word that helps people develop their craft in spoken word. It’s such a cool art form, yet many people don’t recognize that. It must be because they’re spending too much time fooling around with their shiny iTouch screens.

I’m thinking about booking a trip to Mexico so I can strengthen my muscles in one of Madonna’s new gyms. What a material girl, trying to put her name on everything. She’s always touring the world to reinvent herself. Well, wish me luck on my upcoming globe-trotting adventures (and come see the show if you can).

That white kid Bieber thinks he can take my place? He can try, but he can’t replace me or the king of pop, may he RIP. Michael was a fabulous performer. Plus, he practically named his son after me. Everything’s so pre-digested these days. We need more originality. Come on, you indie musicians, let’s hear it. Put your cultural capital to good use. You’ve got your freedom and I don’t see anyone handing you death threats, so get to it! I’m curious to see what bricolage budding musicians will mash-up next.

Here’s to making great cultural texts,


Quoted: Two and a Half Men

Charlie Harper from Two and a Half Men would make some highly entertaining contributions to MIT tutorials!

Alan: Check it out! Rose’s engagement announcement is in the paper.

Charlie: Nah, I still don’t buy it.

Alan: What do you mean? It’s right here in the paper. *points to online edition on his laptop*

Charlie: Oh, grow up. Do you know how many times I’ve had that paper print my obituary?

— Episode 8.07

No Apple Care for me. I’m a PC.

School’s back in session, but this blogger’s computer is still in repair!

Here’s what happened in the last few weeks: I turned nineteen, moved back to London, and then downloaded Facebook Mobile, something I said I’d never do. But as someone majoring in media studies and enrolled in a course called ‘The Brief History of Social Networking’, downloading it seemed like the natural thing to do, considering the circumstances. It’ll be the first thing to delete off my phone once I pick up my laptop next week.

Nevertheless, I am still determined to never watch Gossip Girl, no matter how often I overhear my roommate following the lives of Blair and Serena. I’ll admit that I enjoyed reading the series’ prequel, but that’s where I drew the line. I just hope Blake Lively doesn’t lose sight of the genuinely friendly, down-to-earth girl she was when I met her at a movie premiere six years ago.

Despite weekly updates from Rescue Time (which tracks your online habits), my lack of computer access has also emphasized how much time we waste casually browsing the Internet. One minute you’re checking your e-mail, and then suddenly you come across an interesting news article or click a link in someone’s tweet, without acknowledging how time consuming this process becomes. Outside of keeping up with current events courtesy of The Globe and Mail’s mobile app, I’ve also had time to read two fantastic books: plus size model Crystal Renn’s autobiography, Hungry, and The Secret Life of Bees.

I’ve also been listening to new music releases on MuchMusic and MTV and adding to my list of albums and singles to download. You can be sure Brandon Flowers’ Crossfire album is on that list, in addition to Kings of Leon and Goo Goo Dolls. Hopefully they won’t be as disappointing as Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream record. Her latest two singles may be catchy, but the rest of the album was a letdown and not what I was expecting from her follow up to One of the Boys.