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meet and greet

Celebrating The Next Chapter With eTalk

Sarah Prince and Chloe Wilde

After exploring design options for months, I am so excited to share Hot On The Street’s new look with you. Hot On The Street’s 7th anniversary is coming up in May and I think this makeover has been long overdue. My favourite feature of my blog’s new design is the Instagram feed in the footer.

I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the re-launch of my blog than a meet and greet with etalk co-hosts. I have admired Liz Trinnear since watching her win the Much VJ competition from the basement of my residence at Western. She studied MIT too and she really inspired me to pursue a career in entertainment.

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Stepping Up My Canadian Fashion Game

Pink Tartan

After attending the White Cashmere fashion show, I was eager to learn more about Canadian fashion and meet the brains behind it. When Women of Influence announced they were ending their speaker series for the year with Kimberly Newport-Mimran, the President & Head Designer of Pink Tartan, I quickly bought a ticket. Prior to the event, I saw her on a poster at the eyeglasses store Josephson’s in Forest Hill, which solidified her position as a national style icon.

When I focus on seeing speakers from the fashion and media industries, the events tend to be worthwhile and this one was no exception. Charles the Butler was not there, but Susie Sheffman was!

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Dan Levy Launches Gap X GQ Collection

Sarah Prince and Dan Levy

Once I became a fan of the hosts of MTV’s The Hills: After Show, there was no going back. Dan Levy and Jessi Cruickshank now work for CBC and they’re both integral members of Toronto’s cultural scene. 

When I heard that Dan was going to host a menswear launch party at the Gap store on Bloor St., I immediately RSVP’d. Once there, he recognized me from his eyewear party at Jonathan and Olivia, so it wasn’t awkward. He told me that he’s hosted this event 3 years in a row and he’s been working towards it ever since he worked for Gap as a salesman before he was famous. 

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Networking With Janet Kestin And Nancy Vonk

Nancy Vonk

Nancy Vonk

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty was discussed repeatedly in high school and university, so when I learned that Ogilvy’s former co-chief creative officers who were responsible for the work were speaking at a Women of Influence event, I couldn’t resist. On Wednesday night, Nancy Vonk and Janet Kestin shared how women can get ahead by speaking up and networking at a Women of Influence event.

In the age of personal branding, I was surprised when they said that women are taught it’s wrong to talk about themselves. Whether it’s at a networking event or an interview, it’s beneficial to have an elevator pitch ready and be a good storyteller when you have the opportunity to talk about your life and career.

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Cooking With Flare at World MasterCard Fashion Week

Hot On The Street - Cooking With Flare

When I anticipated eating a special brunch at World MasterCard Fashion Week inside the tent, I knew the food would be better than quick service fare, but Flare and Metro’s chefs exceeded my expectations. As soon as Flare’s editor-in-chief Cameron Williamson humbly introduced himself at the entrance, I knew I was in for a treat. Soon we were offered glasses of sparkling water and then escorted to the beautifully decorated main room, where a long candlelit table extended down the runway.

It was the kind of event where everyone shared my enthusiasm for Texture by Next Issue and that made me happy. We all enjoyed a delicious four course meal, which included a beet salad, mushroom pasta, fish and dessert, and each course was introduced by a different chef and model.

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