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media relations

Behind the Brand: Western University

It’s one thing to “Like” a brand on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.


It’s quite another to learn about who responds to the brand’s media inquiries.


Name: Keith Marnoch (@kmarnoch)

Position: Director, Media and Community Relations

Employer: Western University

Education: B.A.A. – Journalism (Broadcast) Ryerson

Favourite blog: Touchdowns and Fumbles

Favourite mobile app: Voxer (Walkie Talkie) / Scanner911

Professional role model: David Gergen, CNN political pundit, former Presidential Adviser

Most memorable on the job experience at Western:

While I have only been here for just over a year, I think being a part of the announcement that one of our leading researchers, Dr. Chil Yong Kang is moving to human clinical trials with his HIV/AIDS vaccine is memorable due to the overwhelming international response that the story received.

In 140 characters or less, describe the atmosphere at work when Western’s name change and re-branding was announced to the public:

Excited about the change, realized some would need convincing, rationale when explained gets positive reaction.

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