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Katy Perry, LinkedIn’s Thinking of You

Music icon Katy Perry, one of my favourite pop sensations, continues receiving credit for inspiring how everyone uses social media. First, she kicked off the summer with a lyric video for Top 40 hit ‘Wide Awake’ by embracing Facebook Timeline’s features to showcase her milestones, such as concerts, magazine covers and awards.

More recently, Wired shared that Katy Perry inspired LinkedIn’s global redesign. According to Wired, “One of the main goals in Project Katy is to create a cohesive experience across all platforms, no matter the device or operating system.” LinkedIn’s team began focusing on their Katy-inspired  redesign project following an update to its iPhone app. Modelling the site after Katy’s success seemed natural to Steve Johnson, LinkedIn’s director of design and web development, who loves following pop culture. Wired succinctly explains that Katy’s “irresistible pop hooks” make her a great go-to when designers need a muse.

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Behind the Brand: Mirage Resort and Casino

It’s one thing to “Like” a brand on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

It’s quite another to learn about who writes those updates.


To debut the Behind the Brand series, Danielle Deremo shares advice about social media marketing.

Danielle Deremo

Name: Danielle Deremo (@SuperDaniYell)

Position: Social Media Specialist

Employer: Mirage Resort and Casino (MGM Resorts), Las Vegas, Nevada

Education: Hospitality Administration, Northern Illinois University

Professional role model:

It would have to be Kristalina Steininger, (@kristalinas) she took me under her wing when I was an intern at MGM Grand and she was Assistant Manager of Food & Beverage Marketing. She introduced me to social media from a brand’s perspective and taught me the rules of the road when it comes to representing a business in the Web 2.0 arena. Since I’ve moved on from my internship and began working at The Mirage, she has been a close friend and mentor of mine.

Favourite Blog:

As a big foodie, I really appreciate My Drunk Kitchen and The Kitchn. I get all my entertainment from MDK and all my recipes from reading The Kitchn!

Favourite mobile app:

Besides the regulars of foursquare, Facebook & Seesmic for my Twitter accounts, I am a big fan of Reddit Is Fun, SoundHound, and Path. And although it’s not an App, I’m becoming severely addicted to Pinterest.

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