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Lady Gaga

Disney’s Most Wanted Cameos


Whether she’s on a billboard or the big screen, Miss Piggy is always larger than life.

It’s hard to adjust to the real world after a Disney World vacation. When you’re at Disney World, everything is great. Everything is grand. You’ve got the whole wide world in the palm of your hand (it’s true – just pick up something from Epcot!). Life’s a happy song when you’re at Disney World.

When Disney released Muppets Most Wanted, they presented an opportunity to enjoy the art of animation without paying for another flight to Orlando. I went to the theatre with high hopes, as I really liked the first film and its soundtrack, but I left feeling disappointed. At least the opening song of Muppets Most Wanted acknowledges “the sequel’s never quite as good.” That’s the only track worth downloading.

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Back to School Inspiration

When a teacher encourages students to pursue their passion, their influence deserves to be recognized and shared. The Our Kids Private School Expo blog hop provides a great opportunity to express why my media studies teacher, Alice Trachimovsky’s classes are among my best high school memories.

Once I saw how Mrs. T handled a group of immature boys while substituting for one of my grade ten classes, I knew she was a woman from whom I wanted to learn. The following year in grade eleven, her exciting creative assignments ranged from a shopping mall analysis to a full-fledged public service announcement campaign, for which I learned how to create a teaser. Leading enjoyable discussions is one of her specialties, especially when it comes to Lady Gaga and Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. Her observational humour always piqued my friends’ interest in how the media industry operates, making it unsurprising that many of my high school classmates study MIT at Western now.

Smaller classes make it easier to form meaningful bonds that promote keeping in touch post-graduation. Three years later, Mrs. T and I still meet for coffee every summer to catch up (most recently at Aroma).

Mrs. T always supported my ambitions to ensure Hot On The Street lived on after its print editions and I’ll never forget when she challenged us to summarize an article in 140 characters.

A magical formula doesn’t move private school students from school A to first choice university B, and then onto dream job C – teachers play a fundamental role in helping students get there.

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Weird Al Yankovic’s Parody of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way

It won’t be included on his next album, so there won’t be a music video to accompany it, but you can listen to it here and enjoy.

After sending a pitch to Lady Gaga’s manager, Lady Gaga asked to hear the song in addition to reading the lyrics and then said that she would not allow Weird Al to include it in his upcoming record.

Here’s how he described his clever parody, as posted on his blog: 

The basic concept is that I, as a Lady Gaga doppelganger of sorts, describe the incredibly extravagant ways in which I perform on stage. Meat dresses and giant eggs would most likely be referenced, but also much more ridiculous made-up examples of bizarre wardrobe and stage production. As with all my parodies, it would be respectful of the artist, while having a bit of fun with her larger-than-life image.

In the meantime, we can only imagine what else the comedian has in store for fans. Who knows, perhaps Lady Gaga will change her mind about the song on a w-h-i-m.

Maria Aragon Was Born To Be A Star!

In her interview on Friday with 104.5 CHUM FM’s Joey Brooks, Lady Gaga said that her intent with her latest single, ‘Born This Way’ was to create a song with an “un-apologetically positive and strong and empowering” message.

Each time the station introduces her song now, they refer to her performance on the Grammys, when she emerged onto the stage from an ‘egg’ before launching into a highly choreographed dance.

Lady Gaga always gives something people to talk about, but now that she has broken records for digital downloads, she is making headline news. ‘Born This Way’ is the fastest selling single on iTunes – quite an accomplishment for a 24 year old. Speaking of young talent, Lady Gaga also intends to invite YouTube superstar Maria Aragon to join her on stage at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on March 3rd. I can’t help but think about how Avril Lavigne once joined Shania Twain on stage and look where that punk princess is now…like what the hell! Imagine what the future holds for 10 year old Maria, especially once she has some professional vocal training.

In the News

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– Bell will release the new Blackberry Bold 9780 on Tuesday November 2. T-Mobile will release the phone in the U.S. next month as well.

– Lady Gaga hit 1 billion views for her YouTube video, thus beating Justin Bieber. “We reached one billion views on YouTube little monsters!” she tweeted.

– In addition to adding more disturbing graphics to cigarette packaging, BBC has reported that the government may ban smoking in private cars in the UK. FULL STORY

– About 30 years after losing their son, Myron and Berna Garron have donated $30 million to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto for cancer research. According to The Globe and Mail, their contribution is the largest private gift in North America for pediatric cancer care. FULL STORY