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On The Radar: Father’s Day Advertisements

Oreo – Wonderfilled

Sometimes all a girl wants to do is stay up late and tell jokes with her dad until they get hiccups. Can you blame her?

The cheerful animation kind of makes me want to watch monster movies on TV with milk and cookies. Who’s up for a movie marathon? I’ll bring the snacks.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Sears – Not a Superhero

Who is the Sears dad? He wears a suit and tie, not a cape. He interrogates his daughter’s boyfriends and doesn’t fight villains. He doesn’t have superhuman power, but the son in Sears’ Father’s Day commercial is convinced that doesn’t make Dad any less cool. “He’s just super because he’s my dad,” the boy says in a voiceover.

Interestingly, the ad has an explicit call to action at the end, asking viewers to look for their product placement in the new Man of Steel film. The ad uploaded to YouTube then ends with an interactive and clickable gift guide to shop online and find the perfect gift for dad.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

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Happy Holidays!

It’s a busy time at Western, but here’s some holiday cheer to brighten your weekend.

This week on NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, the host and Rashida Jones from Parks and Recreation performed a satirical medley of Top 40 hits by One Direction and Taylor Swift among others. Watch the comedians joke about holiday sweaters, spin a dreidel, and wear Santa Claus hats.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Chrismukkah or something else, enjoy!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Light Up The Night – Fountainheads

Spreading some holiday cheer, courtesy of Israel’s adorable and talented Fountainheads’ latest.

Filmed in Israel, uploaded in London, Ontario, Canada.

Happy Holidays!


Does Dressing Up Require Social Commentary?

I don’t usually like when people expect listeners to pay attention to their every word as they read aloud long passages of text, but on Monday afternoon, I was captivated by a TA who shared a newsworthy blog post circa November 2010.

Two days after Halloween, Trick or Treating may still be trending on Twitter, but most people are more concerned about finding discounts on candy and the latest gossip about the Kardashians than discussing who cross-dressed over the weekend.

Nevertheless, when a 5 year old boy begged his mom to order a costume resembling Daphne from Scooby Doo for him two years ago, this caused a huge commotion. Uptight mothers in their community were outraged, even though their children seemed unfazed by his costume choice.


The bottom line is that costume choices shouldn’t be a big issue at all, unless of course they are outright offensive or obscene. The boy didn’t dress up as a Disney Princess anxiously awaiting Prince Charming’s arrival at his doorstep; he dressed up as one of his favourite animated TV characters – so what?

In her blog post, the mother (who coincidentally is another Sarah) mentions that her son’s “best friend is a little girl.” When it comes to trick or treating, those kids will remember spending the night or school festivities with their best friend. Early childhood friendships don’t always extend into adulthood or even the teenage years, but if the friends lose touch, they’ll remember who it was running up neighbours’ front steps beside them to collect candy. That’s the memory for him to cherish – friendship and fun, not that a Halloween costume he wanted to wear sparked an online debate about gender and sexuality.

It is one thing to document your children’s funny musings or share advice about parenting, but it is quite another to turn an innocent child’s desire to have fun dressing up into a rant about attitudes towards gender norms. Sometimes I think that moms should just take photos to capture their kids growing up and leave it at that. After all, “it’s just a costume.”

Surely there is a better way to become famous than starring in a controversial blog post.

Shana Tova from The Maccabeats

With Yom Kippur just a few days away, this is a prime opportunity to think about the year ahead.

Hopefully it’ll be a sweet new year! Shana Tova!