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Google+ Communities

Google+ Communities is an exciting new feature that I look forward to exploring!

Show some support for Google’s contributions to social media and log in to your account. Forget what you’ve heard about it being a ghost town; Wired reported significant recent user growth on Google+.

After all, Google+ is a place for foodies, film buffs, and whatever you’re into.

In the News

– Nearly 250,000 Germans have requested that their houses not appear in Google Street View, which “shows that citizens want to decide which data about themselves is published on the internet”, said Peter Schaar, the head of Germany’s data protection watchdog. FULL STORY

– Bell will release the new Blackberry Bold 9780 on Tuesday November 2. T-Mobile will release the phone in the U.S. next month as well.

– Lady Gaga hit 1 billion views for her YouTube video, thus beating Justin Bieber. “We reached one billion views on YouTube little monsters!” she tweeted.

– In addition to adding more disturbing graphics to cigarette packaging, BBC has reported that the government may ban smoking in private cars in the UK. FULL STORY

– About 30 years after losing their son, Myron and Berna Garron have donated $30 million to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto for cancer research. According to The Globe and Mail, their contribution is the largest private gift in North America for pediatric cancer care. FULL STORY