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Hotspot: St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market


St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market, which is located near the Kitchener-Waterloo region, is one of my favourite hotspots to visit during the summer. Browsing the market has been a family tradition for many years, as it’s one of the best places to stock up on fresh produce.

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Taste of Toronto

Taste of Toronto Fruit

Toronto is filled with amazing restaurants, as well as many foodies and drink connoisseurs. That’s why this weekend’s Taste of Toronto was such a hit in the Six.

Scrolling through Instagram made me even more excited to attend, as my friends posted pics of highly photogenic and tasty treats. Once I looked at the restaurant menus, however, I realized that my choices were limited due to dietary restrictions. That didn’t stop me from having fun though!

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Hot On The Street Turns 6

Hot On The Street's 6th Blog Anniversary

Last year I celebrated Hot On The Street’s 5th anniversary and that was a really big milestone. Marking Hot On The Street’s 6th anniversary is sweet too. Aside from going to school or camp, this is the longest I’ve ever done something and it feels great.

I’d like to thank all of my readers for your support. I’m also grateful for the encouragement I’ve received from friends, family, publicists and strangers. The blog has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of people and I’ve particularly enjoyed connecting with the people who I’ve interviewed.

I’m always open to hearing feedback on previous posts or suggestions for upcoming content. Please email me anytime at hotonthestreet[at]gmail[dot]com with questions, comments or ideas. Let me know if you’d like to collaborate on a future post!

How To Celebrate Social Media Milestones

Reaching certain social media milestones, such as reaching a benchmark in your number of followers, can be very exciting for a social media manager. What’s more, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover how much your followers want to celebrate with you. That’s why it’s beneficial to plan ahead and prepare a mini content strategy that you will be ready to execute when you see those magical numbers.

I’m a bit of a screenshot-aholic and some of the photos I’ve collected are posts that my favourite brands published when they acquired lots of followers. Now I’d like to share some of my top picks with you and I hope they will inspire your social media marketing.

Justin Trudeau

Once Canada’s Prime Minister acquired 2 million Facebook fans, his team produced a short video to describe their demographics. Every Facebook page admin has access to these kinds of insights, so it was easy to create, but the average person couldn’t see this information until the video was released and probably found it interesting. By listing the distant locations of where his fans live, he cemented his position as a global leader while expressing gratitude for their support. The video was so engaging that even TV personality Jillian Harris liked it!

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Behind The Books: Kelsey Miller

Kelsey Miller

Name: Kelsey Miller

Best Known For: Big Girl: How I Gave Up Dieting And Got A Life (2016)

Education: Film & Television, Boston University

Employment: Senior Features Writer, Refinery29

Professional role models: David Sedaris & Tina Fey

How did spending years in therapy help you write a memoir?

The work I did (and still do) in therapy enabled me to grow up and live my life, without which there would be no memoir. I also never would have been able to write about my problems and difficulties without first sorting through them and working my ass off so that they weren’t the controlling force of my life. It’s a lot more complicated than this, but the short version is that I went into therapy feeling like one big problem — I was composed of trauma and disorder and dysfunctional experiences. Therapy doesn’t erase those things but it helped me realize that I’m not simply the sum total of my [problems]. Those things are in me and a part of me, but I don’t have to sit around and wait to be fixed and perfect in order to move forward with my life. I always thought you had to be All Better with a capital B in order to write a reflective memoir. Nope. You just get on with your life and your goals, issues or not.

Do you think your theatre training has helped you become a better storyteller?

Man, I sure hope so. I’d like to think my parents’ investment in a decade’s worth of theatre training paid off somehow. I’d always enjoyed storytelling and have huge admiration for good storytellers. (My mom and dad are both incredibly funny and I used to wish I could crack up a dinner table the way they could.) I haven’t done theatre in ages, but there are certain lessons that will always be with me: finding your intention in a scene, showing and not telling, etc. Those are all good instincts for writers as well.

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