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Back to School Inspiration

When a teacher encourages students to pursue their passion, their influence deserves to be recognized and shared. The Our Kids Private School Expo blog hop provides a great opportunity to express why my media studies teacher, Alice Trachimovsky’s classes are among my best high school memories.

Once I saw how Mrs. T handled a group of immature boys while substituting for one of my grade ten classes, I knew she was a woman from whom I wanted to learn. The following year in grade eleven, her exciting creative assignments ranged from a shopping mall analysis to a full-fledged public service announcement campaign, for which I learned how to create a teaser. Leading enjoyable discussions is one of her specialties, especially when it comes to Lady Gaga and Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. Her observational humour always piqued my friends’ interest in how the media industry operates, making it unsurprising that many of my high school classmates study MIT at Western now.

Smaller classes make it easier to form meaningful bonds that promote keeping in touch post-graduation. Three years later, Mrs. T and I still meet for coffee every summer to catch up (most recently at Aroma).

Mrs. T always supported my ambitions to ensure Hot On The Street lived on after its print editions and I’ll never forget when she challenged us to summarize an article in 140 characters.

A magical formula doesn’t move private school students from school A to first choice university B, and then onto dream job C – teachers play a fundamental role in helping students get there.

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Reading Off-screen

As much as I love digital technology, there is something comforting and enjoyable about reading newspapers in print, so when The Globe and Mail offered me a free subscription, I signed up.

Since the periodical has started showing up outside my front door six days a week, I’ve changed my morning routine. It’s motivated me to wake up about 20 minutes earlier, so I can get ready and then read it with a coffee while everything’s quiet before heading to class. On the mornings I don’t have class and I’m not tempted to watch CityLine Fashion Friday, it feels like an additional luxury, as I anticipate how many hours during the day will be spent in front of a screen.

Upon checking Facebook and Twitter feeds in the morning, there are only so many worthwhile links to click that were posted since the night prior. The Globe, however, always has articles piquing my interest and more importantly, in print, there are thankfully no distractions, such as flashing colourful ads leading me to open a new tab, which will inevitably lead to more unnecessary and unproductive Internet browsing.

Last week, a colleague told me about the rush amongst her Ivey classmates to pick up a free copy of the Globe at school before they run out and now that I’m a subscriber, I can understand why. I like to read The New York Times too, but since they limited access to online content to ten articles per month, instead of the twenty permitted previously, I’m more grateful for the Globe’s convenient availability.

As the exam period approaches, I know that it will be a nice break to read the newspaper rather than a textbook. Also, just as course material tends to overlap across my different classes, I welcome the chance to read about the same topics on the syllabus in a more relevant context in Globe stories, such as those about Gen Y versus baby boomers in relation to my sociology of work class and current political scandals that will provide examples to theories about politicians’ increasing invisibility.

I find that when some of my profs point out that they still read a hard copy of the paper, they date themselves in a room of twentysomethings, though I can understand why they proudly announce this habit. Proclaiming that you read the paper in print needn’t be done in a self-deprecating or teasing tone. There are great journalists out there and I think taking the time to read their work, without distractions, is a wonderful way to pay respect, whether they write about fashion, business, tech or anything else.

Take the time to read sans screen and you may be surprised how much you like it.

TV 2.0: Web Series Picks

The holiday season is upon us – it’s time to send greeting cards, drink hot chocolate and if you’re a student like me, study for exams. When you refuse to go outside, it’s nice to have entertaining videos to watch. Unfortunately, however, this is when a lot of cable shows take a break and say, ‘thanks for watching, here’s some extra special behind the scenes footage. Stay tuned for new episodes in January.’

Mainstream shows’ temporary hiatus creates a marvelous opportunity to discover videos produced specifically for online viewing: scripted web series.

Here are links to a few web series I recommend:

Originals – McDonald’s Canada

Canadian writer Anthony Farrell, a writer from The Office and CBC’s Little Mosque on the Prarie penned the script for a new show featuring charming nerds, pretty girls and an all around well-caffeinated cast, thanks to McDonald’s, who sponsors the series. If you like The Office’s humour and Little Mosque’s quirky multicultural characters, you’re bound to enjoy this series produced by Toronto-based Fresh Baked Entertainment to support the launch of McCafe.

Still not convinced this series is worth watching? Perhaps the wit expressed in its tagline will prove it’s worth a few minutes of your time:

An original web series completely lacking any originality.

If not, then consider the irony that it’s a show about guys pitching a new TV show concept, in which McDonald’s pitches its new franchise concept to consumers. Community fans, particularly those who adore Abed’s character, would especially love it.

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Starbucks Super Sizes its Selection

After finishing a grande (or a medium, for those unfamiliar with Starbucks’ use of Italian lingo) passion iced tea within minutes a few years ago, the barista advised me to ask for “light ice” to maximize the serving size. It’s a great tip and one that I’ve used several times since then.

For those who want even more, Starbucks has just announced that they will soon be introducing another size, Trenta, for their iced coffee, iced tea, and iced lemonade. Trenta-sized drinks will be 920 mL, or 31 ounces, depending which metric system you prefer, as the name stems from the Italian word meaning thirty. The new size will be introduced in Starbucks franchises in select U.S. states this month, followed by a wide release in the spring.

So the next time you’re at the grocery store and see a 1 L carton of milk or juice, picture yourself drinking nearly the entire thing in one sitting, or commute. Next time someone says “let’s meet for coffee”, be prepared for it to last a while.

It’s ‘Like’ a Four Letter Emoticon

Upon reading a friend’s witty status update, it seems natural to click the ‘like’ button to notify them that you feel the same way about something or find their comment amusing.

This reaction is logical because it’s classier (and quicker) to click the like button, than to write a comment with an emoticon at the end and pretend to be simultaneously winking and sticking out your tongue. You can see for yourself how ridiculous this looks in real life the next time you’re standing in front of the bathroom mirror (possibly with a digital camera in hand, if that’s something you like to do with your friends before uploading said pictures to Facebook).

With the proliferation of SMS-inspired abbreviations and acronyms, shorthand language is becoming increasingly appealing. So instead of saying “That’s funny” or “I agree”, now all it takes is the click of a button to alert your friend that you share similar interests. As Facebook continues taking over the Internet, our use of technology continues changes as well.

Instead of texting or calling someone to say that you empathize with them, you can simply say you “like” their comment (or link etc.). Friends disagree with each other too, which is precisely why people join groups advocating for Facebook to introduce a ‘dislike’ button. Facebook won’t do this anytime soon though because it would lead to too much negative feedback for their invaluable advertisers. Thanks to the ‘like’ button, people who haven’t seen each other in months can maintain a bond they established months ago, without needing to organize the necessary logistics involved in making plans.

As virtual forms of communication become more popular, fewer people need to co-ordinate which friend’s house to go to, where they’d inevitably spend time deciding what to do together. Smartphone apps designed to locate the nearest coffee shop are only useful for someone who actually meets their friend there (or who goes on their own and rudely carries on a phone conversation while placing an order). Secondly, online communication becomes even more enticing, once Internet users recognize the convenience of video chatting on Skype, while wearing pyjamas during a blizzard. As much as Facebook helps us stay in touch with acquaintances and classmates, it is also cultivating a culture of laziness.

No longer is there the same motivation to sit in a friend’s living room and flip through a photo album of vacation snapshots, as this can all be done online now. Sure, there are cords available to connect computers and cameras to big screen TVs, but are people really inclined to do this during family reunions? With Picasa and other web albums, friends and family can view photos at their own pace, read any captions the photographer (or Web 2.0 savvy curator) includes, and comment as often as they like, regardless of geographical distance.

Clicking the like button is an easy way to be friendly, without the social awkwardness of tapping someone on the shoulder and randomly saying hello, so it’s clear why people like it.

As depicted in The Social Network, the Facebook team brainstorms many nifty tools during their late night sessions and I’m curious to see what they release next.