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Behind the Books: David Yoo

Name: David Yoo

Best Known For: The Choke Artist: Confessions of a Chronic Underachiever (2012), The Detention Club (2012)

Current Employment and Projects: I teach in the MFA creative writing program at Pine Manor College, and at the Gotham Writer’s Workshop. Currently I’m working on a nonfic project tentatively titled CHASING THE SHIRT, a book about my ten years desperately trying to win a measly/pointless adult co-ed intramural soccer league championship.

Favourite memoirs & essay collections: This Boy’s Life – Tobias Wolff, Me Talk Pretty One Day – David Sedaris

Favourite magazines: I can’t afford to buy print magazines regularly–at this point I only allow myself this small luxury when I’m in an airport, in which case I usually buy Vanity Fair or something chunky that will a) last a while and b) make me smell like I’m going to my junior prom. I do read Deadspin and AV Club with regularity online, given that I’m an armchair athlete who has a verging-on-creepy reverence for really lame movies from the 80s.

Professional role model: Stewart O’Nan, who somehow manages to write a lasting, beautifully written novel every two years or so. When I feel overwhelmed by the seemingly un-climbable mountain in front of me, I think about how he’s already, in the same space of time, heading down the backside of it. His latest, The Odds, is that rarity: an engrossing, memorable short novel. What I’d give to be so concise…sigh.

In The Choke Artist, you admit that you “felt depressed about my crappy academic standing, yet at the same time more frustrated than ever that everyone still assumed I was an academic genius because I was Asian.” Describe how you feel about stereotyping in 140 characters or less:

I’ve never texted before + clueless re Twitter. Regarding stereotypes: surely I’m the only Asian guy who has never owned a cellphone…sigh.

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Mad Men’s Kiernan Shikpka Plays Child Therapist

Kiernan Shikpka’s character, Sally Draper, on Mad Men was sent to see a child psychologist because her mother disapproved of her behaviour. During the actress’ time off from filming one of the best shows on TV, Shipka filmed this video, in which she helps delusional child stars with their personal issues. 

She nails all the quirks and body language of a stereotypical therapist, and her wardrobe embodies the same level of sophistication that inspired a partnership between Mad Men and Banana Republic. Watch out, Christina Hendricks and January Jones!

It seems that she’s on her way to becoming the next Dakota Fanning – featured in fashion magazines such as ELLE and the like, but if all else fails, perhaps she could host her own self-help or talk show.

When season five of Mad Men premieres on March 16, 2012, we can find out how Sally will react to Don’s engagement.

In the meantime, feel free to ‘Mad Men Yourself’.