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Material Girl

Prior to the Queen of Pop’s Super Bowl halftime show, I noticed she received lots of criticism, yet couldn’t fathom why. I’ve been a Madonna fan for as long as I can remember. Some of my early childhood memories include watching documentaries about how her career escalated before I was born and lip syncing singing along to her duet song, “Me Against the Music” with Britney Spears over the phone with a close friend. A few years ago, I even painted a ceramic plate with an iPod in the center and the tagline, “Get into the Groove.”

At 53, not only does she hold records for her chart-topping tracks, but she also looks incredible and shows no signs of slowing down. After dazzling us at the Air Canada Centre on her Sticky and Sweet Tour, where I regrettably didn’t buy an “Express Yourself” concert tee, it was difficult to see the superstar in a negative light.

Since “Give Me All Your Luvin’”, the first single from her 12th album, MDNA, debuted, reasons to dislike Madonna started becoming more apparent, but I find it hard to turn my back on one of my favourite performers.

Today Madonna made news because Malawi’s government officials are fed up with her donations that they feel are motivated too much by corporate interests in her global brand image than concern for children. When I first read the Toronto Star’s article, I mistook “state of the art girls school” and thought she’d arranged to build an arts school for girls because that sure would be thoughtful of her!

To be “fed up” with Madonna for wanting to improve Malawi’s education system is like being fed up with Angelina Jolie’s mass adoption spree or even Oprah’s generosity overseas for that matter. All of the above women have significant personal brands to protect, but along with their high status careers comes gigantic salaries and I hardly think we should criticize Madonna’s generosity to this extent. I hardly recall criticism from urban planners when Madge opened her first fitness centers in North America, so why so much outrage when she tries to do good in the world?

The blatantly excessive product placement in the “Give Me All Your Luvin’” music video was far from impressive, but it’s sure a catchy tune. That said, I confidently predict that it will not rank high on media professors’ list of video clips to show in future celebrity classes, the way that “Material Girl” was shown and then discussed at length last Friday at Western. They might as well just show separate commercials for Smirnoff, Adidas and whatever other brands were featured because aside from the ladies resembling Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Girls, the brands were the standout visuals in the video, and I certainly don’t mean that in a good way.

Madonna’s professional contributions to music, not to mention my iTunes library, combined with her ongoing philanthropic projects make her an icon to watch. I’m curious about what critics will say once MDNA’s full length tracks are released, but until then, let’s remember the positive memories Madonna offers fans and focus on that.

The Artist

As I was reading Vogue yesterday afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice the numerous references to famous artists and collectors, including historical figures such as Gertrude Stein. Frankly, I was relieved to read a fashion mag cover to cover without stumbling upon the headline, “Prints Charming,” which too many fashion editors have included in recent spreads. However, I was more pleased to read about classic pieces inspiring modern designs that reminded me of the modern art class I took at Western last year, which featured works by Sonia Delaunay, for example.

Recently, French artist Jocelyne Grivaud sought inspiration from famous artwork to create sculptures resembling not only Mattel’s Barbie dolls, but also classic women from the art world.

Check out some of my favourites:

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Less Than Impressed: Award Shows

Sometime after the People’s Choice broadcast and my simultaneous live tweeting session ended, I realized watching the awards show was a waste of time. I hadn’t voted in any of the categories this year. In fact, I waited until the day of to even look at the nominees list. All I knew was that this was going to be a buzz worthy televised event, so I had better watch to stay in the know.

After the credits rolled, however, my response could be summarized as indifference.

There’s usually one winner at each award show, typically a young Hollywood star, who mentions how they’d watched the show growing up and could then only dream about attending, let alone winning and now voila, here they are; it’s so incredible, they boast. I’ve let my dreams of becoming famous on the silver screen subside, with little to no expectations of ever performing or working in a role constituting its own category amongst the likes of Best Performing Actress. Entertainment PR professionals are recognized at less glamorous events, with ironically less publicity.

If it weren’t for the social component of watching the Golden Globes with a group of film-obsessed writers and fans, I wouldn’t have been much more entertained than I was the Wednesday night prior.

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Happy Birthday, Betty!


“To be able to spend a lifetime in the business you love with the people you love…it’s just marvelous.”


– Betty White

Katy Perry: A Woman of Many Talents

Joined by the sensational Swedish music guest Robyn, Katy Perry hosted Saturday Night Live last night. It was a great episode that proved Katy’s capable of performing more than musical numbers in the comedy series and deserves lots of screen time.

I lost track of how many outfit and wig changes Katy went through, but I sure noticed how quickly she transformed to play Christina Aguilera (one of supposed “thousands” of celebrities in New Year’s Eve), followed by Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine and then Pippa Middleton. In her latter role, she stole the spotlight from Kate and sung a few lines in a British accent.

Katy’s digital short with Andy Samberg initially reminded me of an Old Navy commercial, until surprise guests Matt Damon and Val Kilmer took to the screen to sing along with them, that is. When Community’s Star-burns joined the short and reunited with his ol’ SNL cast, he offered hope that fans have reason to be optimistic about the show’s future, which is currently unknown.

An SNL review of any length couldn’t exclude Weekend Update. Seth Meyers was wonderful as per usual, but the appearances by Stefano and the ‘flirting expert’ were fabulous comedic material. Relationship experts typically wear a mix of conservative and girly outfits for TV appearances, yet the blonde character wore a slinky, sparkly black dress better suited for a holiday party than an interview with an anchorman.

Robyn’s playful solo choreography during her second number, the classic ‘Dancing On My Own’, reinforced why I adamantly tuned in to SNL – she’s brilliant, I love her and I can’t think of a comparable domestic musical talent. Rocking leggings as pants, in addition to beige platform sneakers didn’t defer attention from Robyn’s singing either – she truly exceeded expectations overall.

Canadian export Michael Buble and Jimmy Fallon are scheduled for next Saturday. Count me in! Live tweeting about #SNL is anticipated once again.