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Mazel Tov to the Cast and Crew of Being Erica!

CBC just announced their 2011-2012 line-up today and Being Erica made the cut. Mazel Tov to the show’s creator and executive producer, Jana Sinyor, as well as the rest of the cast and crew. Thanks to Jana, millions of Canadian fans have been introduced to Erica Stange, a (fictional) hardworking Jewish woman from Toronto who has as many embarrassing moments growing up as the rest of us. The show’s success can also be measured by the fact that an American adaptation of the show for ABC is in the works.

Here’s the list of other returning shows to look forward to next year:

22 Minutes
Battle of the Blades
Being Erica
Best Recipes Ever
Doc Zone
Dragons’ Den
the fifth estate
George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight
Little Mosque on the Prairie
The Nature of Things
Republic of Doyle
The Rick Mercer Report 
The Ron James Show
Steven & Chris

According to Maclean’s, new programming pickups for the 2011-12 season include Mr. D, starring Gerry D and produced by Topsail Entertainment; Michael Tuesdays and Thursdays,  featuring the writing and acting talents of Bob Martin and produced by Rhombus Media; the co-production Camelot, from Take 5 Productions; Kevin O’Leary in Dealer to Leader, developed by Wide-Eyed Entertainment in conjunction with CBC; and Cover Me Canada, produced  by 11 Entertainment.