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Ten Thousand Coffees Chat With Lisa Kimmel

Lisa Kimmel - Edelman

From early morning meetings to late night client dinners, Edelman Canada’s President Lisa Kimmel is a busy woman. Thankfully she took time out of her schedule to talk to young professionals for a Ten Thousand Coffees group chat.

Here are some takeaways from our conversation:

  1. No matter how hectic your job, it’s important to make time for yourself so you can stay healthy. Lisa exercises 3-4 times/week and appreciates the alone time.
  2. In an agency environment like Edelman, a good PR professional is highly adaptable, reflexive, flexible, solution-oriented, collaborative, curious and able to deal with overwhelming client responsibilities.
  3. A few of the most important skills for a PR professional are sales, public speaking and critical thinking.
  4. Effective internal communication, something I was particularly interested in learning about, involves honesty, transparency and frequent discussions. An account executive should understand the strategic plan for the entire agency and open communication makes this possible.
  5. Employment engagement is an essential priority. Lisa advises employers to recognize that employees are your best advocates, so equip them with the right tools to talk about your company at a party.
  6. An effective employee engagement program invites contributions from employees at junior and senior levels so management can gather insights for operations.
  7. Media companies like Facebook and Twitter sometimes eliminate clients’ agencies as the middleman and go straight to presenting solutions to clients. This is an obvious threat to agencies who want to be involved in all campaigns, so some agencies like Edelman are starting to partner with media companies like The Globe and Mail to present solutions to clients based on joint capabilities.
  8. Lisa understands the value of information interviews, but young people should realize that she’s inundated with requests. Tell a story in your email invitation to capture her attention because too many people say, “I’m passionate about public relations and want to meet with you over coffee.” If and when you are awarded an information interview, make sure you come prepared. Know your elevator pitch and research the senior employee’s company.
  9. For job interviews, ensure that you can articulate your point of view on the industry. Do enough research so that you can confidently predict future trends and think about your portfolio so you can describe the work you’re most proud of doing.
  10. Young professionals without a family should take advantage of opportunities to work abroad, such as landing a job within your agency’s international network.

5 Things To Do While Unemployed

Hot On The Street - Spark Sessions - Notebook and Cupcakes

Unemployment is a crucial time to focus on priorities in your personal life. It’s important to establish a routine and create structure, as that’s the best way to avoid sitting at home with negative thoughts, which could lead to a downward spiral.

Once you’ve found an effective job hunting strategy that you can realistically execute, set aside time to relax. Take this time to lead the balanced lifestyle that you know you should strive for on a regular basis, but let laziness and the busy trap get the best of you.

1. Record your thoughts in a journal.

It could be in a digital app that you can sync and access across your devices with password protection. I recommend the app Day One, which offers prompts to get you thinking and keep you on a schedule. Evernote is another good option. Create a new notebook marked Personal or something ambiguous so strangers looking over your shoulder will never guess you use the app to record private feelings.

Of course you can maintain a journal the old fashioned way with pen and lined paper. Store it somewhere safe at home. If writing down miscellaneous observations during the day is something you’re not used to doing, then keep it simple and start with something basic. Indigo sells One Line A Day memory books and if you make writing in it a habit, then you will have a fascinating log to reflect on months or years in the future. See how much you have grown, matured and changed in the process.

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Talk Is Cheap 7

Hot On The Street - Sarah Prince and Martin Waxman

Martin Waxman


Talk Is Cheap is an annual conference presented by the corporate communications and public relations students at Centennial College. Last year, I went with my friend Rachel who has a CPG client-side marketing role. It was helpful to compare notes because she found the digital insights interesting and I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about traditional media relations. This year, I was excited to go again. I had a chance to hear different speakers, see familiar faces and extract practical tips.


Centennial College – Story Arts Centre @ Pape Ave & Mortimer Ave


Ann Taylor LOFT black jacket, Roots X Douglas Coupland ‘I Miss My Pre-Internet Brain’ ironic graphic t-shirt, Mavi skinny jeans, Sam Edelman black suede boots

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Spark Sessions

With Marketing Director Jenny Jovanovic (Crazy Style Love)

Spark Sessions Marketing Director Jenny Jovanovic (Crazy Style Love)

The blogging world has become very saturated, so it was worthwhile spending the weekend at the second annual Spark Sessions conference to learn how to differentiate myself.

The opening keynotes by Andrew Sardone, Editor at Globe Style Advisor and Vanessa Craft, Beauty Director at ELLE Canada launched the event by describing bloggers as entrepreneurs. Vanessa inspired bloggers to become idea entrepreneurs and leverage our blogs to influence how readers think and behave. “Blogging is storytelling with a megaphone,” she said. Think about the power that comes with being a blogger and consider your future legacy.

Winnie Chan explored various legal issues that are relevant to blogging like CASL, disclaimer policies and copyright infringement. Though it was interesting to hear a lawyer’s perspective about what we do on WordPress, I would’ve preferred to see more visual examples of do’s and don’ts. Likewise, Maxine McDonald from Langton PR helped us understand which information is fundamental to include in media kits, but she didn’t show any examples of media kits she likes.

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Toys “R” Us Celebrates 30 Years Of Fun

Hot On The Street - Toys R Us 30th Anniversary logo

In case it wasn’t clear when I blogged about going back to Disney World, I’m proud to share that I’m a kid at heart. Toys “R” Us shares that sentiment and wants Canadians to share stories on social media about taking an oath to never grow up.

Where would the retail chain be if parents hit a certain age and decided to abandon their childhood fantasies and stop playing with toys for good?

To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Toys “R” Us is going all out. They’ve partnered with Transat Holidays, AIR MILES®, Lego and Mattel to offer Canadian shoppers major promotions and host exciting events for kids of all ages. Visit for more details.

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