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Spark Sessions

With Marketing Director Jenny Jovanovic (Crazy Style Love)

Spark Sessions Marketing Director Jenny Jovanovic (Crazy Style Love)

The blogging world has become very saturated, so it was worthwhile spending the weekend at the second annual Spark Sessions conference to learn how to differentiate myself.

The opening keynotes by Andrew Sardone, Editor at Globe Style Advisor and Vanessa Craft, Beauty Director at ELLE Canada launched the event by describing bloggers as entrepreneurs. Vanessa inspired bloggers to become idea entrepreneurs and leverage our blogs to influence how readers think and behave. “Blogging is storytelling with a megaphone,” she said. Think about the power that comes with being a blogger and consider your future legacy.

Winnie Chan explored various legal issues that are relevant to blogging like CASL, disclaimer policies and copyright infringement. Though it was interesting to hear a lawyer’s perspective about what we do on WordPress, I would’ve preferred to see more visual examples of do’s and don’ts. Likewise, Maxine McDonald from Langton PR helped us understand which information is fundamental to include in media kits, but she didn’t show any examples of media kits she likes.

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Toys “R” Us Celebrates 30 Years Of Fun

Hot On The Street - Toys R Us 30th Anniversary logo

In case it wasn’t clear when I blogged about going back to Disney World, I’m proud to share that I’m a kid at heart. Toys “R” Us shares that sentiment and wants Canadians to share stories on social media about taking an oath to never grow up.

Where would the retail chain be if parents hit a certain age and decided to abandon their childhood fantasies and stop playing with toys for good?

To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Toys “R” Us is going all out. They’ve partnered with Transat Holidays, AIR MILES®, Lego and Mattel to offer Canadian shoppers major promotions and host exciting events for kids of all ages. Visit for more details.

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Canada’s Smartest Person

Hot On The Street - CBC Canada's Smartest Person

CBC just proved that Facebook ads work.

When a few sponsored posts popped up in my feed about their upcoming game show series Canada’s Smartest Person, I quickly signed up to join the studio audience. It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of co-host Jessi Cruickshank and Canadian entertainment, so attending a live taping was a no-brainer.

Canada’s Smartest Person tests participants’ knowledge and skills in a unique way that makes it like a hybrid of The Apprentice, Survivor and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. All of the participants are challenged to prove they deserve to earn the coveted title through tasks that range from ordinary to geeky.

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Current Role Models

Before I turned 21, I shared a list of five women who I admire: Elizabeth Bromstein, Hilary Duff, Kelly Cutrone, Lauren O’Neil and Shania Twain. I enjoyed writing it and I certainly appreciated when Kelly replied to my tweet linking to the blog post.

I’ve always liked Hilary Duff, but when she released a single from her upcoming comeback album that was sub-par, I realized I’m more interested in seeing what she wears than hearing what she sings or watching her movies.

Looking back at the list now, I still admire those women for the same reasons; however, if I were to make another listicle with my top five role models now, Hilary would not make the cut. She wouldn’t even make the top ten.

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A Closer Look At Dan Levy

Hot On The Street - Dan Levy and Sarah Prince

I don’t always wear my glasses, but they were a mandatory accessory when I went to Dan Levy’s party at Jonathan+Olivia. When MTV Canada’s The After Show was on air, Jessi Cruickshank stood out as a redhead, while Dan Levy’s distinguishing characteristic was his glasses.

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