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iPhone Transition and Recommended Apps

After my last exam of the semester, I took the earliest train to Toronto the next morning, eager to finally pick up a new phone. Though my excitement was interrupted by a transportation-related delay, the shopping experience that followed was unlike any other. I finally got to browse though Yorkdale’s new extension, including Canada’s first Microsoft store, which was great because I’m a PC.

Photo Source: Mashable

Buying a black 16 GB iPhone 5, which’ll be protected by a black OtterBox Defender, was a fantastic way to start my winter break. The case is so mightily thick that my friends have been teasing me about how the phone looks, but having peace of mind makes it worthwhile. During the initial activation of my phone, it was immediately apparent that using it is as intuitive as people say. Once my contacts were transferred from my BlackBerry Tour 9630 (3 years old, with a trackwheel!), I could proudly call myself an iPhone owner.

I’ve had a lot of fun downloading and testing out apps. Here’s a list of 20 apps I recommend, sorted categorically:

Social Networking & Photo: Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Skype

Entertainment & Music: Flixster (w/ Rotten Tomatoes), GetGlue, Cineplex, Shazam, IMDB

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Smile and Share

Noticed a lot of blue and white lately? It’s probably because The Hospital for Sick Children’s SickKids Foundation launched their ‘Doing the Happy’ campaign – a great way to jumpstart the joyful season that is summer.

The excitement surrounding the campaign validates Globe writer Simon Houpt’s observations about what made the KONY 2012 video go viral. “Everyone loves kids,” he wrote.

Influencer engagement has been all the rage for a few years now, but tapping recognizable Canadian media personalities provides a nationalistic undertone, which helps enlist support. Though I couldn’t help but notice a slant toward featuring broadcast journalists from Bell Media, it was refreshing to see actors such as Ashley Leggat, whom I hadn’t seen since Toronto’s production of Dirty Dancing.

Houpt also urged marketers not to underestimate people’s attention spans. I predict that the campaign’s combination of a fun premise, worthy cause and clean visuals will lead to many more views for their 4+ minute long video.

Doing the Happy isn’t the only neat thing SickKids is doing in the digital space. Cundari recently developed a fantastic iPhone app that engages young patients. Through gamification, the app encourages kids to fill out pain diaries and report which medications are working best.

Bell Social Portrait

Bell Social Portrait

Bell has introduced a very exciting contest, Social Portrait, which creates a word cloud of your Twitter or Facebook posts in a creative portrait!

My social portrait is here and I would really appreciate your votes! Please click the link to help improve my chances of winning the grand prize, which includes my portrait featured on a billboard in Toronto!

In the News

– Nearly 250,000 Germans have requested that their houses not appear in Google Street View, which “shows that citizens want to decide which data about themselves is published on the internet”, said Peter Schaar, the head of Germany’s data protection watchdog. FULL STORY

– Bell will release the new Blackberry Bold 9780 on Tuesday November 2. T-Mobile will release the phone in the U.S. next month as well.

– Lady Gaga hit 1 billion views for her YouTube video, thus beating Justin Bieber. “We reached one billion views on YouTube little monsters!” she tweeted.

– In addition to adding more disturbing graphics to cigarette packaging, BBC has reported that the government may ban smoking in private cars in the UK. FULL STORY

– About 30 years after losing their son, Myron and Berna Garron have donated $30 million to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto for cancer research. According to The Globe and Mail, their contribution is the largest private gift in North America for pediatric cancer care. FULL STORY