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Behind The Brand

Behind The Brand: Greenhouse Juice

Hana James Greenhouse

Hana James

Co-Founder & Director of Community, Greenhouse Juice

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I studied Anatomy and Cell Biology at McGill. My plan was to go into medicine, but on that journey, I realized my passion for healing and health was more connected to food and nutrition, which led me to where I am today.

I love the Blue Lemonade! What is the most popular Greenhouse juice?

Blue Lemonade is definitely a popular one! Each of our beverages has their fan bases, but I’d say overall our green juices like Gatsby and the Good are the most popular.

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Behind The Brand: Town Shoes

Crissi Town Shoes

Name: Crissi Giamos

Position: Director of Public Relations

Professional role model:

Mary Symons, luxury publicist and president of Mary Symons Communications. Everything this lady touches in PR is done with perfection. She oozes elegance and class. My nickname for Mary is “VVVIP”.

In 140 characters or less, what is your favourite part of your job?

The fast paced environment and how each day differs. The best part? Shoe shopping of course—one pair for the photo shoot, two pairs for me.

What are your daily responsibilities?

Fuelling the business of the Town Shoes Limited banners by consistently garnering meaningful targeted media impressions and driving sales, of course. This is ongoing daily, working with media, influencers, stylists, television stations, fashion shows, events, photographers, shopping centres and the country’s tastemakers.

Which tools or software do you use at work?

Microsoft Office 365, Cision, Meltwater, MRP Data

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Behind The Brand: Canadian Football League (CFL)

Brodie Lawson

Name: Brodie Lawson

Position: Video Content Coordinator and Host

Education: Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT), Western University

Professional role models:

I have so many—too many to list! I love Katie Nolan who is hugely inspiring and represents where this industry is going—she is amazing. If you haven’t checked her out on Garbage Time on YouTube (on FOX in the USA), you should! Her stuff should be required viewing for women looking to get into sports broadcasting. For more traditional broadcasting, I look up to Sam Ponder who works on College Gameday. Her job (from an outsider) consists of working live on set with tons of fan engagement, doing in-depth interviews and sideline reporting. It’s a cool job and she kills it! She also speaks and writes candidly about working in sports, which I deeply appreciate.

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Behind The Brand: Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG)

Michelle Dias

Name: Michelle Dias

Position: Marketing Manager, Public Relations & Communications

Education: Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT), Minor in Philosophy & Writing Certificate, Western University; Corporate Communications, Sheridan College

Professional role model: Sheryl Sandberg. She is the Chief Operating Officer at Facebook, an author and the “Lean In” activist. In learning about Sheryl, I see many parallels in her bold personality and ambition with myself. Her drive, work ethic and message of advocating for one’s self are traits that I have adopted in my own career.

In 140 characters or less, what is your favourite part of your job? 

Working with passionate hoteliers from across Canada to promote IHG’s brands. The hospitality industry is always open; it’s very exciting.

What are your daily responsibilities? 

My goal at the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) is to promote our Canadian properties through creative marketing, public relations and social media campaigns. I work with a very talented corporate team across the globe and various agencies to tell the IHG story of: outstanding hospitality, marquee brands and Great Hotels Guests Love.

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