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How Axe Is Changing Attitudes About Gender

Axe Is It Ok For Guys

I still remember how excited Unilever’s team was when they announced that Axe was going to send some lucky guys to space. My peers shared their enthusiasm when we watched a teaser video together at Queen’s University in 2013, but that was the last time I really thought about the brand.

Axe just released a new ad that challenges common stereotypes about young men, which I love. This video makes me rethink what Axe stands for and I admire how it has the power to change consumers’ views about gender. In a way, this ad is long overdue. It’s 2017! Of course it’s ok for guys to wear pink (and not just on Wednesdays). So what if a boy doesn’t like sports?

I wish Axe didn’t have to include a question about depression because it should be obvious by now that guys have mental health issues too. The best article I read on Bell Let’s Talk Day was written by a local male marketer and that was one of many stories.

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Behind The Brand: Town Shoes

Crissi Town Shoes

Name: Crissi Giamos

Position: Director of Public Relations

Professional role model:

Mary Symons, luxury publicist and president of Mary Symons Communications. Everything this lady touches in PR is done with perfection. She oozes elegance and class. My nickname for Mary is “VVVIP”.

In 140 characters or less, what is your favourite part of your job?

The fast paced environment and how each day differs. The best part? Shoe shopping of course—one pair for the photo shoot, two pairs for me.

What are your daily responsibilities?

Fuelling the business of the Town Shoes Limited banners by consistently garnering meaningful targeted media impressions and driving sales, of course. This is ongoing daily, working with media, influencers, stylists, television stations, fashion shows, events, photographers, shopping centres and the country’s tastemakers.

Which tools or software do you use at work?

Microsoft Office 365, Cision, Meltwater, MRP Data

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Focus On Your Work, Not Your Job Title

Watching this video by Saatchi & Saatchi marked one of the highlights of The Art of Marketing conference. I like how it pokes fun at ridiculously silly job titles that employers create and then employees promote on their LinkedIn profiles. Every industry has its jargon and buzzwords and advertising is no exception.

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Behind The Brand: Canadian Football League (CFL)

Brodie Lawson

Name: Brodie Lawson

Position: Video Content Coordinator and Host

Education: Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT), Western University

Professional role models:

I have so many—too many to list! I love Katie Nolan who is hugely inspiring and represents where this industry is going—she is amazing. If you haven’t checked her out on Garbage Time on YouTube (on FOX in the USA), you should! Her stuff should be required viewing for women looking to get into sports broadcasting. For more traditional broadcasting, I look up to Sam Ponder who works on College Gameday. Her job (from an outsider) consists of working live on set with tons of fan engagement, doing in-depth interviews and sideline reporting. It’s a cool job and she kills it! She also speaks and writes candidly about working in sports, which I deeply appreciate.

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3 Campaigns That Inspired Me At Social Media Week

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Shelby Walsh Trend Hunter

Photo Source: Trend Hunter

I’ve missed the CM1 conference for community managers, so I was relieved when I discovered the Social Media Week itinerary. The first day alone featured keynote speakers from Twitter, BuzzFeed and Shopify. Drake’s friend Norm Kelly was interviewed too. Hot topics included influencer marketing, millennials and self-esteem.

Aside from professional development in general, what motivates me to attend these types of events is how much the speakers leave you feeling inspired. That was definitely the case when I heard Shelby Walsh from Trend Hunter. She talked about big data, personalization and mobile marketing by presenting several clever marketing campaigns that integrated social media effectively. They’re kind of old, but they’re all relevant, innovative and influential. Enjoy!

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