You need a Roku if you don’t have a smart TV! I discovered Roku on LinkedIn. They seemed like a cool entertainment and tech company, so I kept them in the back of my mind. Prior to that, I was only familiar with Apple TV and had vaguely heard of other competitors.
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Sarah Prince
Hana James
Co-Founder & Director of Community, Greenhouse Juice
Where did you go to school and what did you study?
I studied Anatomy and Cell Biology at McGill. My plan was to go into medicine, but on that journey, I realized my passion for healing and health was more connected to food and nutrition, which led me to where I am today.
I love the Blue Lemonade! What is the most popular Greenhouse juice?
Blue Lemonade is definitely a popular one! Each of our beverages has their fan bases, but I’d say overall our green juices like Gatsby and the Good are the most popular.
Erica Deutschman and I met when we were 14 years old at Centauri Summer Arts Camp. Since then, Erica Deutschman landed roles in movies and TV shows, including the lead in Hallmark’s A Cheerful Christmas. It wouldn’t feel like the holidays without Christmas movies! It was great to catch up with Erica Deutschman and learn about her acting career.