I met Sarah Pekkanen on one of my first trips to New York, a few days after my last exam in university. I discovered Sarah when I went to see Jennifer Weiner at a library and then I ordered her novel These Girls, which is about three women living and working in New York.
My pink Post-it inside the novel highlights the wit that continues to make Sarah Pekkanen successful. “The menus had been changed; they now, somewhat sadistically listed calorie contents. Which meant her usual Friday night fare…added up to thirteen hundred calories. Ignorance wasn’t just bliss; it also had a second job as cellulite’s partner in crime.”
On that note, I’m excited to share my long overdue conversation with Sarah Pekkanen!

What was the most interesting insight you learned through your research for your latest book House Of Glass?
That children have no power in the decisions that affect their custody – but that a stranger can come in, assess their lives, and decide where they should live.
Your recent psychological thrillers have become New York Times bestsellers! Have you ever read or watched a thriller that gave you nightmares and literally kept you up at night?
Anything by Stephen King! He’s so creepily good.
As a journalist turned author, what’s your #1 writing tip that applies to anyone working in communications more broadly?
Write a page every single day – you’ll have a book in a year! If you’re not writing a book, then journal or jot down observations… the key to writing is practice, not getting it perfect on the first try.
How do you incorporate comedy into your writing?
I love to laugh, and I think even during the hardest times in my life, laughter has helped me get through certain moments. So I incorporate a bit of that philosophy into my books. It can’t be overdone when you’re writing thrillers, but letting characters laugh at themselves (or at others) can be therapeutic for them.
As a mom and an author, what advice do you have for parents who want to get their kids interested in reading?
Kids do as we do, not always as we say… so if they see you reading, it might ignite that fire in them.
(The Atlantic just published another article about this issue called The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books!)
After writing 15 books, how do you keep track of all the highlights and milestones in your career?
Photos are a great way to look back at those memories…. I love scrolling through my pictures and seeing the people I’ve met, including so many wonderful readers, and the places I’ve visited…
If you could have any celebrity endorsement for your next book, who would it be and why?
Reese Witherspoon does such a great job of picking books – she’d be a dream.

Are there any updates on film or TV adaptations of your popular books?
Yes, but I can’t say anything just yet…
When will you visit Toronto and meet your Canadian fans on your book tours?
I would love to! Is my publisher listening? (hint, hint)
I loved meeting author Sarah Dessen and this is my first interview with another Sarah! I hope Sarah Pekkanen can coordinate a book signing in Toronto soon.