Do The Wiggles Really Like Bright Colours?

Fruit Salad is quite catchy, so I was very excited to chat with The Wiggles! Read or watch our conversation about their style, interior design and dream collaborations.

Alright, well thank you so much for chatting with me. The Wiggles have been around as long as I’ve been alive. So you’re quite legendary around the world. This is so exciting. My blog Hot On The Street covers entertainment, lifestyle and marketing. So we’ll cover all those things. Let’s get started.

Canadian Tour

You’re doing 2 Toronto shows in one day soon! How do you stay so high energy and make it seem fresh? What is your backstage routine that makes you so excited to go on stage and perform?

Anthony Field
Just looking at our audience, children and families are so excited to be there. And so they’ve been waiting for months to see the show. We feed off that energy. So it’s not hard for us to get excited about doing a show with children and families because they give us all the energy.

You have a lot of shows coming up in Canada. What do you love about coming here specifically?

Tsehay Hawkins
I guess this is my first time touring in Canada. So I’m very much looking forward to meeting all the new audiences. I’ve heard a lot from Anthony, Simon and Lachy but yeah, I’m just really excited to see everyone. I’m excited to be in Vancouver on Halloween, see snow, just meet a lot of people.

This one’s for Tsehay – what was it like to be the newest Wiggle and get ready for tour?

Tsehay Hawkins
It’s been a bit of a blur. It’s just been under a year being a Yellow Wiggle and I’ve had like an absolute ball. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone. Growing up with The Wiggles, I’ve kind of had them already like in the back of my mind forever. So it’s been really, really cool. And I’m very, very excited to perform in Canada. I’ve never really performed overseas before. So I’m very, very much looking forward.

Style and Interior Design

Outside of your performances, how much do you like to wear your favorite colours?

Simon Pryce (Red Wiggle)
I don’t own any red. Yeah, I don’t tend to wear a lot of red, I wear a lot of blue. When I’m on the road I wear a lot of just black t-shirts which are thrown out at the end of the tour because it’s hard to maintain good clothing on tour.

The Wiggles are all about bright colours. If I came to visit you at home, how would you describe your interior design? Is it full of colour or neutrals?

Anthony Field
I absolutely love bright colours. So I love looking at four different colours. When I go home I want to see colours and I have tattoos on my arms and they’re coloured so for me, colours.

Tsehay Hawkins
I love bright colours. Like Anthony I think it just brings a happy energy. I’m Ethiopian and I’ve got a very multicultural family so we have a lot of different flags and stuff around the house and my bedroom. I always have colour!

Caterina Mete
Well I love black I have to admit a lot of my furniture is black but then I do have lots of colours highlighted like pinks and reds. I love black!

Evie Ferris
I also love colour. I think at home specifically I’m drawn to a lot of earthy and neutral tones. I think it’s really calming and grounding.

Lucia Field
Honestly before joining The Wiggles, I was kind of like Caterina, I was wearing a lot of black as well, but now, I’m really drawn to colours all the time and at home as well. I’ve got quite a bit of colour in my room. Yeah, just a bit of everything really.

John Pearce
I’m very simple. Black and neutral tones. Beige, beige, beige couch.

Simon Pryce
I’m more neutrals with a with a pop of colour.

Lachy Gillespie
We got three kids at home and we have a bit of a rainbow theme going on. The girls love rainbows, so we’ve got a rainbow on the wall. Going back to fashion, I’ve got a purple sneaker collection that I have on my wall.

Building A Brand

The Wiggles are known for creating fun and creative content. So if someone wants to build their brand on social media and perform, what advice would you have for them?

Anthony Field
Well, The Wiggles started before social media. And I don’t know if this is true to social media, but for us, we knew our audience. We were educated as preschool teachers. So we knew how to talk to our audience. We tried to learn as much as we could about the people we’re making music for and what they enjoyed, and we catered for that. So I suppose social media is the same. If you’re starting a social media page, what audience do you want? What do you want to sell? What do you want to give them? I think it’s about knowing yourself and knowing your audience. Social media is not my thing. (Laughs)

I think that’s good advice for sure. As the #1 children’s entertainment group in the world, what else would you like to achieve long term?

Anthony Field
Great question. What do you guys feel?

Lucia Field
I feel like keeping that same original message from The Wiggles.

Caterina Mete
Making sure that we keep the Wiggle ethos going. Many years have gone on so that every generation of children have that special moment with The Wiggles, hopefully.

Anthony Field
Yeah, I feel like our evolution now we have, you know, 4 women, 4 men, and we have women of colour, and diverse backgrounds, men of diverse backgrounds. I just feel like that should be our legacy that we looked at our audience and reflected our audience. I hope we continue to put the children first. That’s why we are 8 now and not just 4.

Dream Collaborations

If you could collaborate with any celebrity on a song, who would it be and why?

Evie Ferris
Lil Nas X is coming up. I think there’s talk of doing a collaboration there. So that would be really amazing to kind of join forces and reach an even bigger audience through that.

Lucia Field
I’ve heard a couple times actually that Harry Styles has been a big fan of The Wiggles so that would be extremely interesting collab and he said, he also grew up with The Wiggles. So full circle moment.

Simon Pryce
I’m going for a Canadian Justin Bieber. Yeah, that’s what I’d like to see!

John Pearce

Caterina Mete
I would love Dolly Parton. Dolly, if you’re listening, The Wiggles are ready. I love Dolly and everything she’s done for women and she writes her own songs, plays her own music and she does a lot of things for children too.

Tsehay Hawkins
Beyonce because she’s like an absolute queen or queen bee. Or Elton John, because he’s amazing. And he wears very bright colours so that’d be cool.

Lachy Gillespie
I’m seeing two pianos, Rufus Wainwright and I’ll be on the other one.

Anthony Field
Everyone I love has passed on. Mr. Julio Iglesias is still alive. And I would love to do a collaboration with Julio. Thank you.

Sarah Prince
Well, you mentioned a lot of great Canadian artists. I think you would also be great with the Barenaked Ladies. They make a lot of fun original songs.

Caterina Mete
Celine Dion! Celine Dion was a Wiggles fan too when her kids were younger.

Simon Pryce
I don’t know the Barenaked Ladies.

Tsehay Hawkins
I think they’re in my dad’s playlist.

Sarah Prince
Well, that was all my questions for today. It was so great to meet you. Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me today. I hope you have an amazing time in Toronto and Canada on your tour!

The Wiggles are performing across Canada! They’re coming to Toronto on October 9 for 2 shows at Meridian Hall. Tickets are available on Ticketmaster.

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