Laurie Gelman went to Ryerson University and built her career as a Canadian media personality. Now Laurie lives in New York with executive producer Michael Gelman and their two daughters. She just launched her 3rd book with a star-studded party.
Congratulations on releasing your 3rd book Yoga Pant Nation. What is your favourite brand for yoga pants?
I wear Athleta yoga pants almost exclusively. I’d like to say it’s because I have an endorsement deal with them, but the truth is I find they just fit me better than any other brand I’ve tried. Sweaty Betty is a close second though.
What fashion advice do you have for busy moms?
Lose the heels! Busy moms spend most of the day on their feet and a good comfortable pair of running shoes will make the day feel much shorter because your feet won’t be killing you.
How did your media studies degree help you build your career on TV and as an author?
My time at Ryerson University helped me in a lot of ways. I learned that spelling is extremely important (although that’s been shot to hell with spell check) and that you have to learn to write and record even if there are a ton of distractions around you. Focus is really important. And always carry a brush and lipstick.
You and your husband have worked behind the scenes and in front of the camera. How do you think your careers in the entertainment industry shaped how you raise your family?
I’d like to think our careers had nothing to do with how we raised them, but let’s face it, they have seen and done many things because of the access we are given. Hanging out on the Jonas Brothers tour bus with them when they were 13 and 10 comes to mind. But what we have always tried to impress upon them is first and foremost how lucky they are, and they should keep the special things they get to do on the down low. Otherwise, people will hate them. Is that bad parenting? Asking for a friend.
How do you think raising a family in New York compares to Toronto?
I have to say I think it’s quite similar. Both cities have world class museums, theatre, education, medicine and entertainment. But Toronto has the Blue Jays so they ultimately win the day.
If you could have a celebrity endorsement from anyone for your book, who would it be?
Ryan Reynolds. Never have I ever seen a Canadian with such a Midas touch.
I’m so jealous of your star-studded book launch party! What is the best advice you’ve ever received from a famous friend?
Two answers to this: The actress Tovah Feldshuh (Google it kids) told me when I was pregnant that I needed to watch who my children hang out with. She said “No matter how strong they are, they will never survive bad friends.” Kelly Ripa told me to never volunteer to be a class mom. Clearly, I only listened to one of them.
Laurie Gelman’s book Yoga Pant Nation is on sale now and you can find it at Amazon.