Breaking my ankle forced me to change which shoes I wear at home. I tried cute, furry slippers as a kid, but always abandoned them. In the last 10 years or so, I’ve worn Old Navy flip flops around the apartment nonstop. I’ve alternated different pairs and love my royal blue ones.
Yes, I’m aware that flip flops are bad for you. I’ve seen them ridiculed in many articles, but I ignored the comments and slipped them on at home daily. The only time I regretted wearing them was when I visited Madame Tussauds in Las Vegas.
Who cares if random people comment on the cheap shoes that make me comfortable? (Let’s pretend they qualify as shoes!)
Well, I secretly cared and purposely never talked about how much I loved flip flops until right now. It was simply between me, my mom, my camp friends and my aestheticians. I refused to let anyone tease me for wearing flip flops because hearing their criticism about my Converse was enough.
However, there was something about talking to a hot orthopaedic surgeon that scared me away from wearing flip flops again.
Someone wrote online that he’s a first-class doctor, but that’s not descriptive enough. This guy changed my perspective on facial hair because suddenly I was attracted to a guy with a beard! I mean, it was a mild crush. Our conversations were short and I was trying to figure out my next steps without getting distracted. That didn’t stop me from noticing that he was handsome and of course it helped that he was super smart.
I never said a word to him about flip flops, but I figured that if socks are supposed to be out of the question, then he would have some serious thoughts about flip flops too. Sure, I’ll wear flip flops to the nail salon someday, but that’s it.
When my walking boot came off, I opened my shoe closet (it’s on the shelf above the vacuum) and took out a pair of old beige Timberland boat shoes. So far, it seems to be a good alternative to those rubber sandals that cost $5! And no one will judge me for wearing stained shoes inside because no one can see.
My hot orthopaedic surgeon also told me Converse are a bad idea, but I can’t resist.