After hearing the mental health advocate speak at Western, I was keen to see Margaret Trudeau again at Indigo. Every seat was taken on the first floor at Indigo Manulife and even though she came to promote a self-help book for women, there were quite a few men present.
In her first bestselling book, Changing My Mind, she documented her bouts of depression, but showed no signs of unhappiness last night. Margaret was very giddy on stage, smiling as she spoke about every subject.
Margaret Trudeau insists that sleep, eating well and exercising are the most important factors in leading a healthy life. She currently enjoys an active lifestyle as a senior and cherishes spending time with her grandchildren. “Being a grandma is a gift,” she said. In fact, she thanks her grandchildren in the Acknowledgements section of Time of Your Life, without mentioning her children, which is surprising.
“I am an ordinary person, but I have been both blessed and cursed with an extraordinary life,” she writes in her new book. Ordinary indeed. Before her grandchildren spend the weekend at her house, she likes to buy them PJs at Costco of all places!
Taking the time to have an intimate conversation with every fan that purchased a book created unique opportunities to talk to the political figure one on one. When I talked to her about Western, she said she loves the school and she’s grateful that they gave her an honorary PhD. “The only place you can call me Dr. Trudeau is on campus,” she said with a laugh.