LinkedIn Profile Changes

Sarah Prince LinkedIn June 2014

We’ve all heard about how a polished profile picture (one that’s not cropped, blurry or too dark) can help users make a strong first impression for profile viewers. Now that LinkedIn unveiled a new look for profiles, it’s time to get creative because the addition of a LinkedIn cover photo will make it easier for premium users to portray their personal brand.

Your cover photo on every platform is an excellent place to showcase your interests, photography skills and personality. Choose an original photo whenever possible. On Twitter, my cover photo shows jeans on a rack from the American Apparel sale. On Facebook, my cover photo has a bathroom sign from Disney World that says Prince and before that it was a shot of me posing with the cast of The Social. For now, I’ve selected an image from LinkedIn’s image gallery that’s available for Premium users to use as a temporary placeholder.

Read on for my advice about how employees, job seekers and recruiters can use the new cover photo feature.

Currently employed?

Choose an image that relates to your experience, skills, hobbies and career goals.

Looking for your next gig? 

Think about your dream job. For example, if you fantasize about working in sports and entertainment, then look for images of a red carpet, stage or stadium etc. Tie it all together by including keywords in your profile that indicate why you’re qualified to work in that industry and why it interests you.


Show candidates why you are proud to work for your current employer and select an image that effectively captures your talent brand.

If you are currently hiring someone for a marketing role, please get in touch because I am looking for my next challenge! You can connect with me on LinkedIn or email hotonthestreet[at]gmail[dot]com.

Need more inspiration?

Look at LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner, HootSuite’s Ryan Holmes and Virgin’s Richard Branson cover photos to get started!

Jeff Weiner New LinkedIn Profile Ryan Holmes HootSuite New LinkedIn Profile Richard Branson LinkedIn Profile

What do you think of the new LinkedIn profile? Do you think it looks too much like Twitter and Facebook or are you excited to add more visuals to your profile? Leave a comment below!

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