Desjardins Lets You Enjoy The Better Things

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There are few things I like more than saving money and Desjardins Insurance’s latest ad captures that sentiment well. In Better Things: New TV, a couple shopping for a new TV must decide which TV fits their budget. An electronics store like Best Buy is always filled with people looking for gifts, toys and practical solutions, so it’s a good setting for this story.

I like how the husband uses logic and emotion to convince his wife that they should purchase a more advanced TV. First he reminds her that they can afford it because they “saved a bundle” by switching to Desjardins. Then he shows her how excited their kids are about the hottest new TV and persuades her to think this is a rational decision, rather than an impulsive splurge.

Many brands, such as Winners, do a good job of catering to frugal consumers, but they usually doesn’t suggest what you can do with the money you save when you buy #WinnersFabFinds for instance. That’s what makes this ad a bit different — Desjardins connects the dots for you by demonstrating the value of their affordable services. Who doesn’t want to own a 3D or 4K TV?

For more information about Desjardins’ services, please visit

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